Weekly Newsletter |
January 28, 2022
Dear colleagues-
Virtual or in person? As Omicron hopefully starts to wane, we have been hedging our bets and planning for both realities—come check out the half-day Cyber-Animal Systems in person on 2/10, or attend one of several research talks coming up from the comfort of your…wherever!
Shout outs to several faculty and post-docs this week for pubs, honors and hitting local and national news including: Becca Nixon (post-doc, IL-IN Sea Grant, FNR), Zhao Ma (FNR), Laura Zanotti (ANTH), Lori Hoagland (HortLA), Linda Lee (EEE, AGRY), Andrew Whelton (EEE, Civil), Lindsey Payne (EEE), and John Sutherland (EEE & Mechanical).
Congratulations also to all the faculty receiving PCCRC Seed Grants and stay tuned next week for the formal announcement of the new Institute for Climate, Environment and Sustainability as well as the first round winners of our trainee travel grants!
Stay warm everyone!
Sustainable Precision Animal Ag Symposium

Thursday February 10 | 7:45 AM - 1:00 PM | DLR 131
Join the C4E Cyber-Animal Systems Research group for a half-day internal symposium featuring talks and panel discussions on:
- The future of the industry
- Precision management
- Challenges of precision ag
- Funding opportunities with reps from USDA and NSF
Click here for more information and to register. |
Seed Grant Winners Announced |

Congratulations to the winners of the Purdue Climate Change Research Center's Fall 2021 Seed Grant Competition! Winning projects were highly multidisciplinary, with PIs and Co-PIs coming from numerous colleges and departments around Purdue. For more information on the winning projects, visit our new Climate webpage.
Travel Grants |
In spring 2022, we will be awarding grants to defray costs up to $500 for student/post-doctoral researchers to travel and present their research. Conference travel should take place between January 1 and June 30th 2022. Trainees of all affiliates are eligible, preference given for Center-affiliated projects. For information and application info, click here. To learn how to affiliate your research projects with the Center, click here. |
Featured Publications |
Adaptation to Social–Ecological Change in Northwestern Pakistan: Household Strategies and Decision-making Processes Environmental Management
Led by postdoc Becca Nixon (IL-IN Sea Grant, FNR) along with affiliates Zhao Ma (FNR), Laura Zanotti (ANTH) and others, this publication used interviews with people in northwestern Pakistan to identify types of adaptations to social-ecological change employed by households and explore what values were present in their decisions. Access the abstract here. |
History of Controlled Environment Horticulture: Indoor Farming and Its Key Technologies American Society for Horticulture Science
Cary Mitchell (HortLA) wrote an article for the American Society for Horticulture Science discussing the history of indoor farming as a means to study specialty-crop production in a controlled setting. Click here to read the article. |
Featured News |
Contaminated Leafy Greens Turn Purple
Affiliates Lori Hoagland (HortLA) and Linda Lee (EEE, AGRY) are featured in this recent Purdue Ag article about new detection methods of cadmium contamination of leafy greens. Click here to read the full article. |
Denver News Reports on Whelton's Efforts
Affiliate Andrew Whelton (CE, EEE), along with PhD student Kris Isaacson (EEE) and MS student Caroline Jankowski (EEE), returned to Colorado last weekend to assess and assist in water quality testing efforts in the wake of the Marshall Fire. Read 9 News Denver's reporting here, and check out our recent article on Whelton's efforts here. |
John Sutherland Named AAAS Fellow
Congratulations to John Sutherland (EEE) who was just named a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) for his award-winning teaching and research and his ground-breaking work to establish the field of sustainable manufacturing. Read more. |
EEE Engagement Project Expands West Lafayette Celery Bog Nature Area
Purdue EEE students working with affiliate Lindsey Payne (EEE) recently completed an engagement project that expanded the rain garden in the Celery Bog Nature Area. The students planted over 200 native wetland wildflowers during their expansion of the rain garden in front of the Lilly Nature Center. Read more. |
Funding Opportunities |
NSF Partnerships for International Research and Education (PIRE) This PIRE competition invites visionary, ambitious, interdisciplinary, use-inspired research proposals that address scientific challenges related to climate change and/or clean energy. The projects will utilize multi-stakeholder and international partnerships that are essential to address these challenges of critical societal importance at a regional or global scale. The research areas may include any combination of the natural and physical sciences, engineering, and the social sciences. Educational activities should be integral to the project. Deadlines: February 8 – LOI; March 25 – Full proposal **If interested in submitting, please contact Lynne Dahmen**
NSF Petrology and Geochemistry Supports basic research on the formation of planet Earth, including its accretion, early differentiation, and subsequent petrologic and geochemical modification via igneous and metamorphic processes. Proposals in this program generally address the petrology and high-temperature geochemistry of igneous and metamorphic rocks and minerals (including mantle samples), mineral physics, economic geology, and volcanology. Proposals that are focused on the development of analytical tools, theoretical and computational models, and experimental techniques for applications by the igneous and metamorphic petrology, and high temperature geochemistry and geochronology communities are also invited. Deadline: On-going
NSF Advancing Informal STEM Learning (AISL) Equity Resource Center The National Science Foundation seeks proposals to create an AISL Equity Resource Center (AERC) to advance equity within the informal STEM learning field through community building; supporting and extending infrastructures; technical assistance; and communications. For the purposes of this solicitation, the program does not define or bound the concept of equity. Instead, this call allows the proposer to both define equity in relation to the needs of informal STEM learning field and design and deploy creative approaches that promote equity across the informal STEM learning field. Deadline: May 10
NSF Boosting Research Ideas for Transformative and Equitable Advances in Engineering (BRITE) The goal of this solicitation is to enable and create opportunities to advance scientific discoveries and new research using a variety of approaches that harness the national talent ecosystem of experienced faculty. All BRITE proposals are expected to address fundamental research that creates new knowledge in one or more CMMI program areas. BRITE proposals must identify key research outcomes and describe the research plans for the period of funding sought. An informational webinar about this solicitation will be held on February 3rd, 2022 at 2:00 PM ET. Deadline: April 25
NIH Community Level Interventions to Improve Minority Health and Reduce Health Disparities (R01) The purpose of this initiative is support research to develop and test community-level interventions to improve minority health and reduce health disparities. Deadline: March 28
Anticipated Opportunity: USAID Sustainable Inclusive Development for Equity |
© 2017 Purdue University, An equal access/equal opportunity university |