Weekly Newsletter |
June 15, 2022
Dear colleagues -
Happy summer! In case anyone was confused about what time of year it is, the outside temperature is doing its very best to let you know. Though the academic year may be over, we still have several upcoming opportunities and recent news to share.
Several summits and webinars are now accepting registrations, see more info on these below including IWRA's annual symposium and an opportunity to attend the IN Sustainability Leadership Summit in September on the Institute's dime.
Several of our faculty have been in the news lately, including Institute director Matthew Huber (EAPS) quoted in the New York Times, an NSF CAREER Award received by David Yu (CE), an Ag Comm feature on Songlin Fei's (FNR) Digital Forestry Initiative, and an important new report from Jayson Lusk's (AgEcon) Center for Food Demand Analysis. More information - including a job posting from The Nature Conservancy as well as an opportunity to submit comments on the USGCRP's Decadal Strategic Plan - is below. |
Upcoming Events of Interest |
Register for the IWRA Summer Symposium
June 22-24 | Brown County State Park
Registration is open for the Indiana Water Resources Association (IWRA) annual Symposium. This year's theme is: "The future of monitoring and water planning in Indiana." Register Here. |
LASER Focused Webinar
June 23, 2022 | 8:00 AM EDT | Zoom
LASER PULSE invites you to register for a LASER Focused engagement on "Higher Education Institution Research Infrastructure, Research Translation, and Sustainability Mechanisms in Countries Affected by Conflict: A Case Study of Somalia and South Sudan.” Register for the webinar here. |
Opportunity to Attend IN Sustainability Leadership Summit
The IN Sustainability Leadership Summit will take place in Indianapolis on Friday, September 9th. This one-day Summit is sponsored by the IN Chamber of Commerce and provides industry and municipal stakeholders information on ‘trending’ environmental and sustainability issues important to businesses and local governments. Interested in attending? The institute is able to cover the registration costs of up to three faculty interested in attending.
Topics presented will include:
- Trends in sustainability
- Decarbonization
- Circular Economies
More information on the Summit is available here. If interested in attending, please contact Lynne Dahmen. |
Featured Publications |
Degrowing alternative agriculture: institutions and aspirations as sustainability metrics for small farmers in Bosnia and India Sustainability Science
Andrew Flachs (ANTH) authored a new publication examining alternative options for sustainable agricultural practices, including cultural innovation practices as well as the concept of degrowth as an evaluation metric. Access the full article here. |
An Inventory and Assessment of Sample Sources for Survey Research with Agricultural Producers in the U.S. Society & Natural Resources
Jessica Ulrich-Schad and others, including Linda Prokopy (HortLA), recently published an assessment of various sample sources being used to conduct surveys with agricultural producers in the United States. Access the publication here. |
Distinct Oceanic Responses at Rapidly Intensified and Weakened Regimes of Tropical Cyclone Ockhi (2017) AGU JGR Oceans
This study, authored by Lingala Jyothi and including Matthew Huber (EAPS), examined ocean response to Tropical Cyclone Ockhi in 2017, looking distinctly at levels of ocean surface cooling and subsequent effects on the strength of the Cyclone. Access the article here. |
Featured News |
Integration leads to leap in tech for forest inventory, management
Songlin Fei (FNR) leads Purdue's Digital Forestry Initiative, which promotes and improves sustainability by networking multiple integrated mapping systems to accurately inventory forests. Read more in this article.
David Yu Receives NSF CAREER Award for Flood Resilience Research
Congratulations to David Yu (CE), who recently received an NSF CAREER Award for his project: "CAREER: Evolution of Collective Disaster Memory: A Dynamic Behavioral and Systems Analysis toward Community Resilience." |
How Extreme Heat Kills, Sickens, Strains and Ages Us
Institute director and EAPS professor Matthew Huber is quoted in a new article from the New York Times Climate Desk on the pervasive effects of extreme heat across the globe and the sustainable solutions researchers are searching for to address the problem. Read the article here. |
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Report shows differences in food insecurity, sustainable food purchasing between racial and ethnic groups
Black and Hispanic consumers are somewhat more likely to check food labels and much more likely to face food insecurity, according to the Consumer Food Insights Report - a new survey-based report out of Purdue University’s Center for Food Demand Analysis and Sustainability. The Center is led by Jayson Lusk (AgEcon). Read more here. |
External Job Opportunity |
IN Director of Forest Conservation: The Nature Conservancy
The Nature Conservancy is currently looking for an Indiana Director of Forest Conservation. Please pass this information along to anyone who may be interested in applying. More info/apply here. |
USGCRP Decadal Strategic Plan |
USGCRP Issues Request for Comment on Decadal Strategic Plan
The U.S. Global Change Research Program (USGCRP), is seeking input on its Decadal Strategic Plan, 2022-2031. USGCRP is specifically requesting comment on its program priorities and narrative in the strategic pillar sections of the draft plan, with particular attention to “(i) ideas on emerging, large-scale scientific questions related to global change and/or response, especially those where interagency collaboration will be critical; (ii) specific information on how science is or is not being used to inform societal response to climate change, and why; and (iii) knowledge gaps and obstacles to implementing scientific tools or knowledge.” Comments must be submitted by 11:59 p.m. ET on July 15. |
Funding Opportunities |
Limited Submission: DOE-EERE Energyshed: Exploring Place-Based Generation The goal of this funding opportunity is to develop the tools and processes to help a broad set of stakeholders including utilities, local governments, and community-based organizations; understand the implications and participate in the development of locally-based energy generation in their community. Only one application is allowed per institution. Internal deadline: Preproposal due in InfoReady by June 27, Sponsor deadline: August 1
DOD Harmful Algal Bloom Field Validation Program: Aquatic Nuisance Species, Broad Agency Announcement Special Topic Area This announcement focuses on the field validation of innovative HAB prevention and management technologies, or combinations of technologies, that have been proven at lab or pilot scales. Proposals that focus extensively on water quality, including impacts to drinking water, are not needed at this time. Proposals that use Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) as a monitoring or surveying method will not be considered. Deadlines: Pre-proposal June 21; Full proposed (by invitation) July 15
USDA-NIFA Urban, Indoor, and Emerging Agriculture (UIE) The Urban, Indoor, and Emerging Agriculture (UIE) program supports research, education, and extension work by awarding grants to solve key problems of local, regional, and national importance that facilitate development of urban, indoor, and emerging agricultural systems. The program includes food value chain stages: production, harvesting, transportation, aggregation, packaging, distribution, and markets. Deadlines: July 11 – LOI; September 22 - Application
Dept of Interior Desalination and Water Purification Research Program Pitch to Pilot for Fiscal Year 2022 The objectives of this Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) are to:
- Develop innovative and disruptive new technologies or processes to: Reduce the costs, energy requirements, and/or environmental impacts of treating impaired and unusable water to standards necessary for an identified beneficial use.
- Improve efficiency of water treatment processes
- Increase effectiveness of reverse osmosis/nanofiltration concentrate management by reducing cost, energy, and/or environmental impacts.
- Treat brackish groundwater in a less energy-intensive way than current processes and technologies.
- Address costs, energy usage, and/or environmental impacts of seawater desalination, including intakes and/or outfalls
- Improve the detection, characterization, monitoring, separation, or destruction of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances and other contaminants of concern.
Deadline: July 12
© 2017 Purdue University, An equal access/equal opportunity university |