Weekly Newsletter |
February 15, 2022
Dear colleagues -
We are happy to provide you with info about two research presentation events this week, one from the lab of David Johnson (Poli Sci/Industrial Eng) and another from the labs of Patrick Kerstein and Aaron Specht (HSCI). We are thrilled to host Dr. Alison Power (Cornell) for an in-person panel on food security on Monday, 2/28, which will also be livestreamed and be followed by opportunities to catch up after such a long time away for many.
You may also want to catch up on the latest news from Theresa Mayer and the office of the Executive VP for Research and Partnerships, happening virtually on Friday at 11 am.
Congratulations also to a couple of new research projects, one in PFAS and Aqueous Firefighting Foam as well as a NSF RAPID grant on the impact of wildfires on drinking water distribution systems and water quality.
As ever, please let us know about new awards, publications and events you want to share.
Upcoming Events
Building Sustainable Communities Open Monthly Gathering
Friday, February 18 | 11:30 AM | Zoom
This month's OMG will feature two graduate student presenters, both from affiliate David Johnson's (IE, Poli Sci) lab.
Jingya Wang - Incorporating Learning into Direct Policy Search for Flood Risk Management
Nathan Geldner - Characterization of the Equity-Efficiency Tradeoff in Targeted Residential Coastal Protection Projects
Join the event here. |
Chemical Exposures Research Presentations

Thursday February 24 | 12:30 - 1:30 PM | Zoom
Join the Chemical Exposure SRA for collaborative research presentations from new affiliates Dr. Aaron Specht (HSCI) and Patrick Kerstein (HSCI).
Click here to join the event. |
Panel Discussion: Feeding the Planet 2050
Monday, February 28 | 3:00 - 4:00 PM | MRGN 121
Join us February 28 for a panel discussion with Purdue experts on food security who will join guest lecturer Alison Power, Cornell University Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, to discuss the issue of food security and diverse influences on production of nutrition globally. Click here for more information, and click here to register for the livestream.
Alison Power: Global Crop Diversity in Farming Communities
Monday, February 28 | 6:00 PM | Honors Hall
In this keynote lecture sponsored by the Aronson Family Science and Society Lecture Series, the Honors College and C4E, Dr. Alison Power will discuss her team's work in Ethiopia that addresses relationships between farmers’ ecological knowledge and plant diversity as part of their social-environmental system. Click here to register for the livestream of the lecture. |
Featured Publication |
Lessons in resilience: Binna Burra’s rise from the ashes Good Tourism Blog
A new article from Jonathon Day (HTM) discusses five lessons in resilience that can be applied by any tourism business, drawing from the recovery of Australia’s Binna Burra Lodge following a wildfire and the COVID-19 pandemic. Read the article here.
Upcoming Webinars & Workshops |
Hear EVPRP Updates this Friday
Friday, February 18 | 11:30 AM | Virtual
Executive Vice President for Research and Partnerships Theresa Mayer will share some of the Office's recent successes, recent updates to the research organization, and opportunities for the Purdue interdisciplinary research ecosystem.
Registration is required; click here to add your name. |
Upcoming Workshops and Webinars on Atmospheric Sciences and Climate
The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine's Board on Atmospheric Sciences and Climate is hosting several online workshops and webinars in the coming weeks on topics including machine learning, AI, decarbonization, and biodiversity. Visit the NASEM website for the full schedule and to register.
Webinar on Data Science and Environmental Topics
Oak Ridge Associated Universities is hosting a webinar on February 23, 2022, 1:00-2:30 p.m. ET. The purpose of the webinar is to promote more in-depth dialog on the current and future integration between data science and ecology; including remote sensing, geospatial approaches, environmental monitoring, and modeling and forecasting. To register, visit their website.
Professional Development |
Center for Instructional Excellence Summer Course Design Institute
A 6-day intensive program for graduate students and post-docs to work with CIE staff on designing courses they will teach at Purdue West Lafayette. In-person meetings will take place weekdays, Wed., May 25 through Wed., June 1, 2022. Click here for more information. |
Environmental Law Institute Opportunity
The Environmental Law Institute is currently seeking candidates for their 2022-2024 Science Fellow, Climate Judiciary Project position. Please pass this opportunity along to your students and trainees and encourage them to apply via the ELI website.
IL-IN Sea Grant Student & Faculty Scholars Program
The 2022 IISG Scholars competition is now open for Graduate Students and Faculty. Awards are issued for one year and activities should be completed during that year. The full Request for Applications, including award amounts and application requirements, can be found here. Deadline is March 18, 2022.
Travel Grants |
In spring 2022, we will be awarding grants to defray costs up to $500 for student/post-doctoral researchers to travel and present their research. Conference travel should take place between January 1 and June 30th 2022. Trainees of all affiliates are eligible, preference given for Center-affiliated projects and accepted abstracts. The next round of applications will be evaluated in April and will be awarded until funds are exhausted. For information and application info, click here. To learn how to affiliate your research projects with the Center, click here. |
Featured News |
Firefighting Foam Project Funded by SERDP
Congratulations to the team of Carlos Martinez (MSE), Jason Hoverman (FNR), Marisol Sepulveda (FNR), and Jeffrey Youngblood (MSE) on receiving SERDP funding for their project on PFAS-free firefighting foam. |
Drinking Water Contamination Project Receives NSF Funding
A new project led by Andrew Whelton (CE, EEE) along with Jeffrey Youngblood (MSE), Amy Marconnet (ME), Amisha Shah (CE, EEE) and David Johnson (IE, Poli Sci) was recently funded by NSF to study the impact of wildfires on drinking water distribution systems and water quality. Read more here. |
How do birds that stay north survive Indiana’s winter?
Affiliate Barny Dunning (FNR) shares his expertise on why some Indiana songbirds choose to stay north for the winter months, and how they make it through the cold while their feathered friends fly south. Read the article here. |
Funding Opportunities |
NSF Civic Innovation Challenge (CIVIC) CIVIC is a research and action competition that accelerates the transition to practice of foundational research and emerging technologies into communities through civic-engaged research. CIVIC funds projects that pilot state-of-the-art solutions over 12 months, following a six-month planning phase, and have the potential for lasting impact in the partnering community as well as the potential to be scaled and implemented in other communities. Deadline: May 5
DOE Fossil Energy Based Production, Storage, Transport and Utilization of Hydrogen Approaching Net-Zero or Net-Negative Carbon Emissions The Department of Energy (DOE) Fossil Energy and Carbon Management (FECM) Office released a $28 million funding opportunity to support research and development for clean hydrogen production, storage, transportation and utilization. Full applications are due March 23, 2022. If interested please contact Lynne Dahmen, ldahmen@purdue.edu by Friday, 2/25
DOE-EERE Concentrating Solar Thermal Power Fiscal Year 2022 Research, Development, and Demonstration Program This funding opportunity is designed to help decarbonize the energy sector by developing CSP technologies for carbon-free industrial processes in the United States, and next-generation plant designs that will operate at high efficiency with low-cost thermal storage. SETO will host an informational webinar on February 24 at 2:00 p.m. ET. Deadlines: March 16 – LOI; May 16 - Application
FFAR 2022 Seeding Solutions Request for Applications Seeding Solutions encourages the development of unique partnerships that support innovative and transformative research focused on one of our Challenge Areas or AgMission: soil health; sustainable water management; next generation crops; advanced animal systems; urban food systems; health-agriculture nexus; and AgMission. Deadlines: March 9 – Pre-application; July 13 – Full application by invite
USDA-NRCS Partnerships for Climate-Smart Commodities Through this funding, USDA will support the production and marketing of climate-smart commodities through a set of pilot projects that provide voluntary incentives through partners to producers and land owners, including early adopters, to:
- implement climate-smart production practices, activities, and systems on working lands,
- measure/quantify, monitor and verify the carbon and greenhouse gas (GHG) benefits associated with those practices, and
- develop markets and promote the resulting climate-smart commodities.
Deadlines: Funding pool 1 ($5-$100M) – April 8; Funding pool 2 ($250K-$5M) – May 27
© 2017 Purdue University, An equal access/equal opportunity university |