December 2021
It has been another exciting and eventful year for the College of Agriculture, and I want to thank you for being part of it. Click on the photo to watch our holiday message for 2021.
Finalists named for Head of Forestry & Natural Resources |
After conducting a national search, three finalists for the position of Department Head of Forestry and Natural Resources will interview in January. Each candidate will give a 40-45 minute Zoom presentation followed by questions. Finalists and their presentation dates are below. All presentations may be accessed at 9:00 a.m. via the following link - https://purdue-edu.zoom.us/j/96068011942.
- Dr. Jessica Gurevitch, Stony Brook University - Tuesday, January 18
- Dr. Shawn Mansfield, The University of British Columbia - Thursday, January 20
- Dr. Christopher DePerno, North Carolina State University - Monday, January 24
Purdue Ag People |
Graduate Ag Research Spotlight: Brooke McWherter
The Graduate Research Spotlight highlights graduate students and their work. The December spotlight is on Brooke McWherter, PhD candidate, Forestry and Natural Resources. |
Behind the Research: Krispn Given
Many people are involved in the remarkable range of programs, services and facilities that undergird research in the College of Agriculture. Collectively they are integral to the college fulfilling its research mission. This month’s spotlight is on Krispn Given, apiculture specialist, Entomology. |
The best laid plans lead to incredible career
Suzanne Nielsen, professor of Food Science, is retiring at the end of this semester after an incredible career in the College of Agriculture, including a decade as food science department head. |
Oliver ratified as 150th Anniversary Professor
The Purdue Board of Trustees ratified Haley Oliver, professor of Food Science, as a 150th Anniversary Professor. She was also recently appointed as a Showalter Scholar. |
Faculty receive Showalter Trust honors
Two College of Agriculture faculty members have been appointed as Showalter Faculty Scholars, including Yuan Yao (shown here) and Haley Oliver, both of Food Science. Three faculty members received Showalter Early Career Awards, including Kajal Gulati, Agricultural Economics; Brock Harpur, Entomology; and Jonathan Pasternak, Animal Sciences. |
Former surgeon general to keynote annual Fish Fry
The annual Purdue Ag Alumni Fish Fry returns to in-person in 2022 and features keynote speaker, Dr. Jerome Adams, presidential fellow at Purdue and the 20th U.S. surgeon general. |
Karen Richey receives Hovde Award
The Indiana Farm Bureau's 2021 Frederick L. Hovde Award of Excellence in Educational Service to the people of Indiana by a Purdue staff member has been awarded to Extension educator Karen Richey. |
10 faculty named Innovation & Entrepreneurship Ambassadors
The College of Agriculture recently announced 10 faculty members who will serve as Innovation and Entrepreneurship Ambassadors. |
Don’t forget to track
Civil Rights and Diversity Training
All Purdue Agriculture faculty and staff members are required to receive training in civil rights (the regulations) or diversity awareness each year. Rather than mandate a specific training, we ask that you attend any training that fits your needs and interests and enhances your knowledge and understanding of diversity or civil rights. Please use our Qualtrics survey tool to report training activities. |
Awards and Recognitions |
Sarah LaRose, Agricultural Sciences Education and Communication, was named the 2022 National ACTE Postsecondary Professional of the Year. |
Elysia Rodgers, Extension, was named a 2021 Volunteer of the Year, along with local volunteer Adanna Piggott, located in Tobago, by the USAID Farmer-to-Farmer program. |
Laura Bowling, Agronomy and director of NRES program, received the 2021 Outstanding Mentoring Award from the Agronomy, Crops, and Soils Science Societies. |
Purdue Ag in the News |
Multiscale imaging illuminates the big picture of plant protection
After decades in pursuit of plant cellular signaling, Chris Staiger, Botany & Plant Pathology, returns to questions raised by his early work — now equipped with advanced technology and the establishment of a $12.5 million institute. |
Researchers study link between vitamin D & inflammation
Majid Kazemian, Biochemistry, and a team of scientists have discovered that a form of vitamin D (not the over-the-counter pills) could help combat the inflammation in cells of people with severe cases of COVID-19. |
Purdue Agriculture home to 2021 National Thanksgiving turkeys
Purdue University’s Department of Animal Sciences is providing a home and care for the National Thanksgiving Turkey and alternate after the National Thanksgiving Turkey Presentation at the White House. |
Purdue Ag Swiss goes rindless
Schnabeltier in Rochester, Ind., opted to craft the cheese with Purdue’s decades-old recipe, but cheese buyers will notice this year’s batch will be missing something: a rind. |
Dates and Deadlines |
University News |
Tuition frozen for 11th year at Purdue
Purdue University’s Board of Trustees on Friday (Dec. 3) approved housing rates for 2022-23, including a 10th consecutive year with no increase in University Residence Hall rates on the West Lafayette campus.
Report Hate and Bias
Purdue University is a community where diversity is valued and incidents of hate and bias are not tolerated. Students, faculty, staff, and campus visitors who feel that they have been the victim of a bias related incident (or who have witnessed a bias related incident) are encouraged to report it online at www.purdue.edu/report-hate or to contact the Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities at 765-494-1250. Your report can remain anonymous if you wish. Remember, if it is an emergency situation that requires immediate medical or emergency services attention, please call the Purdue University Police Department at 911 or 765-494-8221. |
Purdue Agriculture InFocus
Editor: Megan Kuhn
Email: mmkuhn@purdue.edu |
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2053
Purdue University is an equal opportunity employer.
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