Weekly Newsletter |
January 6, 2022
Dear colleagues-
Happy New Year and welcome back to campus! I hope you all were able to get a little rest during the break. First, as many of our affiliates are aware, we are now in a transitional period as we work with Purdue to redesign and recommit to supporting environmental research. In light of the recent departures of Jeff Dukes and Rose Filley from their positions at PCCRC, I wanted to take this opportunity to assure you that we will continue to support all faculty affiliates who work in the climate space. We will work diligently to keep you all informed not only about upcoming opportunities and events, but also continue to promote current and future successes of our faculty. Please continue to watch upcoming newsletters for more information.
Below, also find details on the first spring semester virtual event, “Why Twitter?,” which will provide information on use of the social platform for promoting you, your research groups, and research. Continue to watch upcoming newsletters for more information on the many exciting events planned for 2022. Also, see below for the announcement of a new opportunity for trainees to apply for travel funding support to present their research related to C4E-affiliated projects this spring! Lastly, don’t forget to check out the semester review highlighting C4E-related activities of fall 2021.
I wish everyone a healthy and serene start to the spring semester.
-Jennifer |
Why Tweet? A Faculty Conversation
Tuesday, January 18 | 12-1 PM | Zoom
In this virtual event, C4E Managing Director Lynne Dahmen will present ways in which faculty can streamline and enhance Twitter engagement. Then, faculty affiliates active on Twitter will lead a participatory discussion on ways they use the social media platform and constructive approaches to its use. Featuring:
- Linda Prokopy (Dept Head, HortLA)
- Ariana Torres (Ag Econ, HortLA)
- Dan Kelly (Philosophy)
All faculty and trainees are welcome to join. Click here for more information, along with the link to join the event.
C4E Travel Grants |
In spring 2022, the Center will be awarding grants to defray costs up to $500 for student/post-doctoral researchers to travel and present their research. Conference travel should take place between January 1 and June 30th 2022. Trainees of all affiliates are eligible, preference given for Center-affiliated projects. For information and application info, click here. To learn how to affiliate your research projects with the Center, click here. |
Opportunity Postings |
Are you looking for a postdoc, research assistant or student intern? Are any of your students looking for internships or research opportunities? The Center has an Opportunities page on our website that is regularly updated with postings supplied by our faculty affiliates. We welcome any environmentally-focused submissions you may have, and we also encourage you to share the page with any students you think may be interested.
Opportunities can be both internal and external to Purdue. If you have a position or opportunity you'd like us to share, please let us know. |
Featured Publications |
Prevalence and predictors of mask use on a large US university campus during the COVID-19 pandemic: A brief report
American Journal of Infection Control
Ellen Wells (Health Sci), along with undergraduate members of her research team, just published a brief report of a study on mask use at Purdue during the fall 2020 semester. You can access the report here.
Social Vulnerability to Irrigation Water Loss: Assessing the Effects of Water Policy Change on Farmers in Idaho, USA
Environmental Management
Purdue FNR alum Jason K. Hawes (currently at Univ. of Michigan) recently had a chapter from his Master's thesis published in Environmental Management. The study examines the vulnerability of Idaho farmers to changes in groundwater resource policy. Access the article here. |
Acoustic monitoring shows invasive beavers Castor canadensis increase patch-level avian diversity in Tierra del Fuego
Journal of Applied Ecology
Purdue FNR PhD and Center for Global Soundscapes alum Dante Francomano's work on acoustic monitoring of biodiversity in areas where beavers are present was featured recently in Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. Dante was a student of Bryan Pijanowski (FNR) while at Purdue. Read the article here, access the publication here. |
Featured News |
Reuben Goforth Honored by FNR
Congratulations Reuben Goforth (FNR), who was recognized by Purdue FNR as the recipient of the 2021 William L. Hoover Faculty Service Award. Goforth serves on several committees within FNR, as well as on the College of Agriculture curriculum and student relations committee and awards committee. On the university level, he is a mental health first aid instructor and also serves on the advisory committee on equity. Read more here.
Jonathon Day featured in Hospitality Net
Twenty-one experts, including Center affiliate Jonathon Day (HTM), shared their thoughts on "The Decade of Decarbonisation & Restoration: Needed Actions in Hospitality". In the article, Day urges the tourism industry to examine their supply lines for sustainable and responsible practices. You can find the article here.
Fall 2021 in Review |
If you haven't already, be sure to check out our special edition, Fall 2021 in Review newsletter that came out in December. The issue contains a look back at some of the highlights of the fall semester, including featured news stories, research and event highlights, student achievements, and much more. |
Funding Opportunities |
NSF Partnerships for International Research and Education (PIRE) This PIRE competition invites visionary, ambitious, interdisciplinary, use-inspired research proposals that address scientific challenges related to climate change and/or clean energy. The projects will utilize multi-stakeholder and international partnerships that are essential to address these challenges of critical societal importance at a regional or global scale. The research areas may include any combination of the natural and physical sciences, engineering, and the social sciences. Educational activities should be integral to the project. Deadlines: February 8 – LOI; March 25 – Full proposal **If interested in submitting, please contact Lynne Dahmen**
EPA Research to Reduce Consumer Food Waste in the United States The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), as part of its Science to Achieve Results (STAR) program, is seeking applications proposing research to develop, apply, and test innovative and creative community-engaged approaches to reduce household food waste in the United States. Applicants should propose a research project that addresses at least one of the following research areas on how to reduce household food waste:
- Changing the U.S. food environment to discourage waste by consumers.
- Strengthening consumers’ motivation, opportunity, and ability to reduce food waste.
- Leveraging and applying research findings and technology to support consumers in food waste reduction.
Research should examine how the food waste reduction strategies or methods could be implemented effectively on community and larger scales. Deadline: February 9. Informational Webinar January 6, 2-3 PM.
IN DNR Lake & River Enhancement The LARE program strives to operate as a scientifically-effective program in a cost-efficient manner to protect and enhance aquatic habitat for fish and wildlife; and to insure the continued viability of Indiana's publicly accessible lakes and streams for multiple uses. LARE grant funds are intended for those projects demonstrating not only a need, but a local commitment to getting the task accomplished in a timely manner at a reasonable cost. Deadline: January 15
NSF Division of Environmental Biology (DEB) DEB supports research and training on evolutionary and ecological processes acting at the level of populations, species, communities, and ecosystems. DEB encourages research that elucidates fundamental principles that identify and explain the unity and diversity of life and its interactions with the environment over space and time. Research may incorporate field, laboratory, or collection-based approaches; observational or manipulative studies; synthesis activities; phylogenetic discovery projects; or theoretical approaches involving analytical, statistical, or computational modeling. Deadline: On-going
NSF Hydrologic Sciences Hydrologic science has a distinct focus on continental water processes at all scales, and the program supports research with a primary focus on these processes. The program supports fundamental research about water on and beneath the Earth’s surface, as well as relationships of water with material and living components of the environment. A major focus is the study of hydrologic processes, as well as fluxes of water. Many projects involve the study of hydrologic transport (e.g., of dissolved solutes, sediment), coupling of hydrological processes with other systems, or hydrologic responses to change (e.g., changes in land use, climate, or watershed management). Deadline: On-going
DOE Request for Information: Bioenergy Technologies Office Overcoming Barriers to Renewable Fuel Scale-up and Demonstration
© 2017 Purdue University, An equal access/equal opportunity university |