April 2021
It is an exciting time on campus. Weather has gone from snow to 80 degrees. Trees are blossoming across campus. Our students are looking forward to the end of the semester with some heading to internships and others celebrating graduation before moving on to new careers and opportunities.
Earlier this month, our students pulled off a successful Ag Week with in person events almost every day. Their efforts included Milk Monday, Burger Bash and Fry-day, all of which had individually packaged food to meet pandemic needs, as well as a series of online Presidential dialogues. For the tenth year, our students helped the rest of campus get a glimpse of where their food comes from.
Last week, we also celebrated outstanding faculty, staff and students during our annual Spring Awards Banquet via Facebook Live. A recording can be found here. Despite the pandemic, it was a wonderful celebration of the achievements within our college. I could not be prouder of the accomplishments of everyone who was recognized.
And beyond the college, I am pleased to announce that Johnnie (Junior) Cheng won the Cordova Leadership in Action Award. An individual in our college has received one these awards every year since its inception in 2012. Johnnie is an outstanding Animal Sciences undergraduate. We made a surprise visit to his classroom to celebrate his recognition and were able to make it even more memorable by bringing in his parents and friends via a Zoom link.

Purdue Next Moves
The Board of Trustees approved our proposal for an additional investment in Plant Sciences and a new Digital Innovation in Agrifood Systems Laboratory (DIAL) within the Purdue Applied Research Institute. We will also have the opportunity to participate in the other Purdue Next Moves strategic initiatives, including Transformative Education and Equity Task Force.
The plant sciences initiative builds on the investment in Plant Science 1.0, and we are expanding it to include digital forestry and a Center for Food Demand Analysis and Sustainability. DIAL is an innovation platform designed to develop partnerships to solve challenges across the food supply chain. A key component is building a cohort of Fellows from around the world to work together to identify a problem within the agrifood system and develop a solution. Both of these initiatives include opportunities for entrepreneurship and commercialization to engage small startups and encourage industry partnerships. Additional details about the College of Agriculture initiatives and all of the Purdue Next Moves can be found here.
This investment in the College is a powerful statement about our vision and ability to implement big, bold ideas that enhance the global reputation not only of Purdue Agriculture but also of Purdue University. There is no doubt that it is a great time to be in Purdue Agriculture.
Purdue Ag People |
Graduate Ag Research Spotlight: Byranna Nelson
The Graduate Research Spotlight highlights graduate students and their work. The April spotlight is on Bryanna Nelson, Agricultural Science Education and Communication.
Senay Simsek named new food science department head
Karen Plaut, Purdue University's Glenn W. Sample Dean of Agriculture, has appointed Senay Simsek as head of the Department of Food Science.
College recognizes top students during Spring Awards Banquet
On April 22, the College of Agriculture honored some of the year's most outstanding students, faculty and staff during the annual Spring Awards Banquet, which was virtual this year. Pictured at left is Chaela Minor, the Outstanding Senior in the College. |
Purdue professor tackles bovine respiratory disease with over $1 million in grant support
Mohit Verma, Agricultural and Biological Engineering, recently received multiple awards from the Foundation for Food and Agriculture Research to support his work to produce a biosensor-based decision-making tool for BRD. |
Purdue urban arborist discusses the power and beauty of trees
When Lindsey Purcell admires a tree - and as the Purdue University urban forestry specialist, he does that a lot - age comes before beauty. |
Don’t forget to track
Civil Rights and Diversity Training
All Purdue Agriculture faculty and staff members are required to receive training in civil rights (the regulations) or diversity awareness each year. Rather than mandate a specific training, we ask that you attend any training that fits your needs and interests and enhances your knowledge and understanding of diversity or civil rights. Please use our Qualtrics survey tool to report training activities. |
Awards and Recognitions |
Olivia West, Agricultural Economics, is the undergraduate winner of the National MANRRS Business Pitch Contest. West is the vice president of Purdue MANRRS. |
Johnnie "Junior" Cheng, Animal Sciences, was named the winner of the 2021 France A. Cordova Leadership in Action Award. This award is presented annually and recognizes undergraduate and/or graduate students who have demonstrated outstanding leadership abilities. |
Purdue Ag in the News |
Ag & Biological Engineering grad program earns top ranking
Purdue University's Agricultural and Biological Engineering Graduate Program is ranked No. 1 in its category in the annual U.S. News & World Report rankings of Best Graduate Schools. |
Students see growth potential in competition-winning biostimulant
In a contest created to develop novel applications for soybeans, it's hard to beat a 98% soybean crop stimulant that improves soybean growth. |
Purdue will be new home for Midwestern Regional Climate Center
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration has named Purdue University as the new host of the Midwestern Regional Climate Center. Beth Hall, Indiana state climatologist, will direct the center for five years with $3.1 million in federal base funding. |
Agricultural economists share Washington, D.C. lessons
Knowing policy is good; understanding procedure is even better. Aim high, but a low batting average is likely. And expect the unexpected - early and often. Those were among the insights from four agricultural economists during the James C. Snyder Memorial Lecture. |
Essential oils restore insecticide effectiveness against bed bugs
Bed bugs have become increasingly resistant to certain classes of synthetic pesticides. Purdue researchers have uncovered mechanisms that make plant-based essential oils lethal for bed bugs especially in combination with synthetics. |
Purdue asks livestock producers for help studying losses due to black vultures
Vultures play an important role in the ecosystem; however, some black vultures cause problems for cattle producers in southern Indiana, harassing and even preying on young calves and other livestock. |
Make the grass greener on your side this spring
Cale Bigelow, Horticulture and Landscape Architecture, answers several frequently asked questions about spring lawn care. Bigelow specializes in turf science and ecology. |
Dates and Deadlines |
University News |
Purdue to launch Indiana Digital Crossroads with $10 million grant from Lilly Foundation
Thanks to a $10 million grant from Lilly Endowment, Inc., Purdue will launch the Indiana Digital Crossroads, an initiative that will take the Data Mine concept beyond the Purdue West Lafayette campus.
Purdue selected for new fund to commercialize university intellectual property, grow rural communities
Purdue University has been hand-picked by Big Idea Ventures LLC, a global leader in early-stage food technology and alternative protein investment, for a new fund to commercialize university intellectual property.
Report Hate and Bias
Purdue University is a community where diversity is valued and incidents of hate and bias are not tolerated. Students, faculty, staff, and campus visitors who feel that they have been the victim of a bias related incident (or who have witnessed a bias related incident) are encouraged to report it online at www.purdue.edu/report-hate or to contact the Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities at 765-494-1250. Your report can remain anonymous if you wish. Remember, if it is an emergency situation that requires immediate medical or emergency services attention, please call the Purdue University Police Department at 911 or 765-494-8221. |
Purdue Agriculture InFocus
Editor: Megan Kuhn
Email: mmkuhn@purdue.edu |
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2053
Purdue University is an equal opportunity employer.
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