International Programs in Agriculture has a rich
history of creating global perspectives and impacts through the work our
faculty, staff and students do in approximately 60 countries.
2018 has been a busy year as we facilitated a number of
high-impact activities. These include the Scale-Up Conference, international
faculty and researchers’ visits to our college, study abroad programs for our
undergraduate students, and support for our faculty and staff members in their
pursuit of international discovery, learning and engagement.
We have initiated new partnerships that will continue to
benefit Purdue Agriculture in the future and keep us engaged internationally.
Our faculty’s participation has been incredible; in fact, College of
Agriculture faculty lead a majority of the projects funded by the UNSA-NEXUS
No matter the task, we continue to move forward with one
overall goal in mind — to increase our faculty, staff and students’ involvement
in impactful international projects that are true to the college’s land-grant
mission. Working on international projects is a new experience to many of these
faculty members, and IPIA is incredibly lucky to be able to facilitate their
As many of you know, I step down as the associate dean and
director of IPIA to embark on a new journey at the University of Connecticut.
As I reflect on my experience in IPIA, I would like to thank everyone in our
college and beyond who have contributed to IPIA’s success. I have enjoyed
working closely with you, listening to your unique experiences and seeing the
ways IPIA has facilitated the success of your international projects. It has
given me a greater appreciation of the department’s rich history and the
impacts our faculty, staff and students have made globally. I will always
cherish the friendship and support I have received. I hope you will continue to
provide your support as we embark upon writing the next 150 years of IPIA Giant
Hail Purdue, |
Dr. Indrajeet Chaubey
Associate Dean and Director |
PICS program reaching millions |
IPIA has provided a wide range of support to the Purdue Improved Crop Storage (PICS) project. Now this Purdue-originated initiative is expanding to improve market access and food security among many more smallholder farmers in Sub-Saharan Africa as well as in Asian and South American countries.
The low-cost technology was initially distributed for cowpea grain but has more recently been found effective for all types of grain and even other products. PICS bags dramatically reduce crop loss to insects without the use of insecticides. Farmers can store their grain until market prices rise while having chemical-free, high-quality food for their families year-round.
Since the PICS project was launched in 2007, it has reached 5 million farmers and 57,000 villages. |
How do you spell success? N-e-x-u-s |
An ecosystem of vibrant and innovative research is at the center of an IPIA-supported partnership between Purdue University and the Universidad Nacional de San Augustin (UNSA) in Peru’s Arequipa region.
The partnership’s first initiative — the Arequipa Nexus Institute for Food, Energy, Water, and the Environment — aims to increase capacity and strategic collaborations that over the long term will address the environmental, agroeconomic and social challenges that hinder growth and efficacy in Arequipa’s infrastructure of food, energy and water systems.
In August 2018 the first Nexus Technical Training Workshops took place at Purdue for 24 UNSA professors, and plans are underway to lead another technical workshop series that could bring twice the number of UNSA collaborators. IPIA is proud to oversee logistical aspects for travel and workshop opportunities.
The Nexus links five Purdue colleges — Agriculture, Engineering, Health and Human Sciences, Liberal Arts and Science — as well as the Polytechnic Institute and Libraries. It aspires to include 100 UNSA and Purdue professors and staff, 23 postdoctoral researchers, and more than 25 each of UNSA graduate students, and Purdue undergraduates. The College of Agriculture leads in the number of faculty participating.
The Nexus project was featured on an episode of NPR’s Tech Nation Radio. |
Visiting Purdue changes Zamarano students' lives |
students from the Pan-American agricultural university Zamarano are
completing 15-week internships on the Purdue campus through a
long-standing partnership between their university and the Purdue
College of Agriculture. Students are matched with faculty members based
on common academic interests. This semester’s students and their faculty
supervisors are:
Gabriela Elena Santos – Lori Hoagland, Horticulture Carlos Eduardo Toruno – Katy Rainey, Agronomy Jorge Alfredo Valle – Christian Cruz, Botany Jose Enrique Velasco – Ariana Torres, Horticulture Jose Isaac Vargas – Tim Johnson, Animal Sciences
food science department has hosted Zamarano interns for about 20 years.
Thanks to a donor’s generosity, the program recently expanded to
include other Agriculture departments. The Zamarano program has brought
high-caliber students to our college and new international opportunities
for those involved. |
Agriculture undergraduates seizing opportunities abroad |
40 percent of Purdue College of Agriculture students study abroad
before they graduate. For many of them, Purdue offered a first
opportunity to see the world beyond U.S. borders.
Khyla Wilson
had never been overseas until going on faculty-led trips to Colombia and
Costa Rica. Dane Chapman’s travel outside the U.S. had been limited to
Canada and the Bahamas until he participated in the Agriculture in
Ireland spring break program. Recent graduate Sierra Kipp conducted
summer research at the University of São Paulo, Pirassununga campus in
Brazil followed by a 10-day service-learning program in Haiti.
Dane and Sierra are among Agriculture undergraduates seizing
opportunities around the globe in increasing numbers. Their experiences
have changed their academic and personal perspectives. |
"Study abroad in Australia allowed to me to find adventure in the great wide somewhere. I experienced things I never thought I would and I learned so much about the world and myself in my time abroad. Adventure is out there!!" — Ashley Dittman |
The New Zealand Adventures of a Middle Earth Nerd By Charlaine Barth |
When I first found out I could travel to New Zealand for an adventure of a lifetime, earn college credit and gain internship experience, I thought that there had to be some ridiculous catch.
Come to find out, the only catch was that I wouldn't want to come home.
Being in New Zealand was one of the best adventures of my life. The scenery, the people, the internship… everything added up into this amazing blend of figuring out who I want to be after college. |
IPIA Co-Organizes "Scaling Up to Reach Millions" |
“Scaling up” refers to adapting and moving a technology from the lab to wide-scale use. In September 2018, Purdue hosted the first multi-day conference focusing on the scale up of agricultural technologies from research institutions into developing countries. IPIA helped organize the three-day event, Innovations in Agriculture: Scaling Up to Reach Millions, part of Purdue's Giant Leaps Sesquicentennial Campaign.
Purdue University was a logical place to explore the topic. “Purdue has a long history of developing technologies for the developing world,” says Indrajeet Chaubey, associate dean and director of IPIA, and a member of the conference organizing committee. “Our experience, interest on this topic, and existing expertise on campus made it an ideal place to host this conference.” |
Student Ambassadors advocate for study abroad
IPIA is well represented by its International Agriculture Ambassadors. These students promote study abroad based on their own experiences and training, assist with incoming international exchange students and visitors, give presentations and work among their peers to increase global awareness. |
Faculty help guide IPIA
Input from a Faculty Advisory Board is key to helping IPIA chart its strategic direction and priorities for international engagement. One faculty member from each of the 11 academic departments in the College of Agriculture serves on the board. Together they spread the word about IPIA programs and opportunities, and generate ideas to increase faculty and staff involvement with IPIA and international projects. Several board members are already guiding new and recently tenured faculty in expanding their programs globally. |
CILMAR workshop offers intercultural learning topics
A spring workshop will focus on incorporating intercultural learning into the study abroad experience, academic classroom, staff development and student programs.
Purdue’s Center for Intercultural Learning, Mentorship, Assessment and Research (CILMAR) in the Office of International Programs is hosting the workshop March 21-22 at Stewart Center. It’s open to faculty, staff and graduate students from any Purdue campus.
Participants will walk away with a toolbox of experiential tools and reflection exercises, along with underlying pedagogical theory for choosing intercultural tools and assessments. For questions about the workshop, email cilmar@purdue.edu. |
Are you thinking globally? IPIA is dedicated to
assisting and facilitating international experiences, collaborative
relationships and projects for the Purdue College of Agriculture. Learn more about IPIA and the services
we offer to faculty and staff, international visitors, and graduate students.
An Equal Access/Equal Opportunity University