Weekly Newsletter |
June 30, 2022
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Dear colleagues -
In this brief Summer edition of our weekly newsletter, we highlight three upcoming workshops and webinars that may be of interest, congratulate faculty affiliates Linda Lee (AGRY, EEE, ESE), Daniel Kelly (Philosophy) and Tara Grillos (PoliSci) on their recent honors, and list some relevant funding opportunities. Feel free to contact us with any questions or information you would like us to add in future editions. |
Midwest Climate Workshop |
Midwest Climate Workshop
September 12-13 | Purdue University
Calling all Purdue climate scientists! Abstracts are currently being accepted for the Midwest Climate Workshop being held at Purdue this coming September. The Workshop will be held in person with a poster session, speakers from universities around the state, and time for informal discussion.
Abstracts can be submitted here until July 18. The final program will be announced August 15. |
GLASSNET Summer Workshop |
Averting an Amazon Tipping Point - Viable Policy Options for Brazil
July 13 | 9:00 - 11:00 AM EDT
Join the GLASSNET project for their Use Case Summer Workshop on viable policy options for Brazil in the face of a tipping point in the Amazon. The event will feature several speakers, including faculty affiliate Dominique van der Mensbrugghe (AgEcon). Register here. |
Webinar on Climate-Smart Agriculture |
Science on the Hill: Climate - Smart Agriculture
July 15 | 12:00PM - 1:00PM EDT
The National Academies invites you to Science on the Hill: Climate - Smart Agriculture on Friday, July 15 from 12:00PM to 1:00PM EDT. The event will bring together policy leaders and scientists for a panel discussion on the best available scientific evidence about approaches for reducing climate change through climate-smart agriculture. Registration is free, click here to register. |
Featured News |
Linda Lee named Distinguished Professor
Congratulations to Linda Lee (AGRY, EEE, ESE), who was just named a Distinguished Professor of Agronomy. Lee, an environmental chemist by training, in addition to being professor of environmental and ecological engineering, serves as the program head for the Ecological Science and Engineering Interdisciplinary Graduate Program as well as the Interim Assistant Dean of Graduate Education, Research and Faculty Development. Her research focuses on the environmental impacts of chemicals with an emphasis on PFAS. She has been instrumental in the development of this area of expertise at Purdue. More on their work here. There will be a reception in her honor held by Purdue Agronomy on Tuesday July 5, 2-3 PM in AGAD 128.
Tara Grillos and Daniel Kelly Awarded by College of Liberal Arts
Congratulations to faculty affiliates Tara Grillos (PoliSci) and Daniel Kelly (Philosophy), who were both honored with the 2022 Excellence in Discovery and Creative Endeavors award from Purdue's College of Liberal Arts. Dr. Kelly currently leads the Institute's Building Sustainable Communities signature research area, of which Dr. Grillos is a member. |
Funding Opportunities |
Limited Submission: NSF National Science Foundation Research Traineeship (NRT) Program The program is dedicated to effective training of STEM graduate students in high priority interdisciplinary or convergent research areas, through a comprehensive traineeship model that is innovative, evidence-based, and aligned with changing workforce and research needs. Proposals are requested that address any interdisciplinary or convergent research theme of national priority. Only two proposals are allowed per institution regardless of whether serving as lead or sub. Internal deadline: Preproposals due in InfoReady by July 11 (template); Sponsor deadlines: September 6. Please contact Lynne Dahmen if interested in applying.
USDA-NIFA Rapid Response to Extreme Weather Events Across Food and Agricultural Systems (A1712) A1712 is designed to rapidly identify and implement strategies to protect the nation’s food and agricultural supply chains and the people who support them during and after hazardous events. Events may include droughts, heat waves, wildfires, tornadoes, floods, hurricanes, tropical storms, and blizzards. These events often disrupt agricultural, forestry and rangeland production systems, and innovative Extension and applied research efforts are needed to alleviate the impact of weather-related disasters. Deadlines: LOI – 14 calendar days after an extreme weather event or disaster; Full application – 21 days after LOI decision response
Burroughs Wellcome Fund Climate Change and Human Health Seed Grants This program supplies small grants to promote growth of new connections between scholars, practitioners, educators, and/or communicators working to understand, spread the word about, and mitigate the impacts of climate change on human health. Deadline: On-going. Please contact Lynne Dahmen if interested in applying.
Internal Coordination Required: Beckman Young Investigators This program provides grants of approximately $600,000 over four years for young, tenure-track faculty in the chemical and life sciences for projects that “represent a departure from current research directions rather than extensions or expansions of existing programs.” Of particular interest are proposals that open up new avenues of research in chemistry and the life sciences by fostering the invention of methods, instruments and materials. Internal deadline: July 11 (see template for details); Sponsor deadline: August 1 – LOI; January 16 – Full application by invite only
USDA Farm Service Agency Conservation Reserve Program Decision Support Tools FPAC is announcing the availability of cooperative agreement funding to assess why critical data about land that could be or that is enrolled in the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) is not readily available to inform program-related decisions made by producers and the Farm Service Agency, and how best to address these data needs going forward. There are four specific assessments sought. Engagement with stakeholders—agency staff, conservation planners, producers, etc.—throughout the project will be key to ensure the solution is informed by past experience and that behavioral, institutional, and policy pitfalls are avoided. Tools should be piloted in at least 2 states and readily scalable to the national level. Deadlines: Statement of interest – August 1; Full application (by invite) – August 25
USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service National Animal Disease Preparedness and Response Program (NADPRP) 2022 The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS), Veterinary Services (VS) is announcing the availability of up to $17 million in funds in the National Animal Disease Preparedness and Response Program (NADPRP) to support projects in the topic areas, listed on the opportunity webpage. Deadline: September 9
NSF Computational and Data-Enabled Science and Engineering (CDS&E) The CDS&E meta-program encourages research that pushes the envelope of science and engineering through computation and data, welcoming proposals in any area of research supported by the participating divisions. A proposal may address topics that develop or enable interactions among theory, computing, experiment, and observation to achieve progress on hitherto intractable science and engineering problems. Areas of emphasis for CDS&E vary by program; and PIs are advised to consult the "related programs" links below before submitting. Deadline: Varies by program
DOI Cooperative Agreement for CESU-affiliated Partner with Great Lakes Northern Forests Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit The US Geological Survey, Great Lakes Science Center is offering a funding opportunity to a CESU Partner to engage in collaborative research on new and experimental biological assessment tools that improve the spatial coverage, accuracy, precision, and usefulness of USGS’s Great Lakes science program and the quality of information provided to partners. Deadline: July 18
© 2017 Purdue University, An equal access/equal opportunity university |