Weekly Newsletter |
August 2, 2022
Dear Colleagues -
As we move into the final weeks of summer, there are a few items we'd like to bring to your attention. Songlin Fei (FNR) is hosting a Digital Forestry Retreat next Monday, August 8, in which Purdue's vision for digital forestry will be presented and discussed. All are welcome to attend, more info below.
See below for a publication on neurological effects of PFOA from Jennifer Freeman (HSCI) and Chongli Yuan (ChemEng) along with several affiliates recently in the news. There are also a couple of opportunities for students/postdocs - please pass those along to anyone you feel may be interested.
Stay tuned later this week and early next week for big news about the new Institute! |
Digital Forestry Retreat |
All are welcome to the 2nd Annual Digital Forestry Retreat and Grand Opening of the Digital Foresty facility at Purdue's Wright Center on Monday August 8 at 8:30 A.M. EST.
Learn about Purdue's vision for Digital Forestry and how dedicated faculty from across campus are leveraging their multidisciplinary expertise with digital technology to revolutionize a traditional field. Purdue faculty in digital forestry will have the opportunity to engage with industry and gain input on ways to connect their research with real-world impact.
RSVP to Songlin Fei at sfei@purdue.edu.
Featured Publication |
Pre-differentiation exposure of PFOA induced persistent changes in DNA methylation and mitochondrial morphology in human dopaminergic-like neurons Environmental Pollution
This article from faculty affiliates Jennifer Freeman (HSCI), Chongli Yuan (ChemEng) and others looks at long-term effects of PFOA exposure on humans, particularly resulting neurological effects. Access the abstract here. |
Featured News |
New Climate Deal Will Help in the Short Term, Too
Leigh Raymond's (PoliSci) op-ed on the recently-proposed federal climate deal was published in The Progressive. The op-ed discusses the various benefits of the plan, including lowering the cost of energy efficiency for consumers. Read the article here. |
Purdue's Discovery Park District Sparks a Revolution in approaches to Tackling Global Challenges
The expansion of Purdue's Discovery Park District leads interdisciplinary research that focuses on finding solutions for the world's most critical issues. Read the article here.
Faculty Affiliates Honored at AEESP 2022
Congratulations to faculty affiliates Chad Jafvert (CE, EEE) and John Sutherland (ME, EEE) for both receiving prestigious honors at the 2022 Association of Environmental Engineering and Science Professors Conference. Read more here.
Funding Opportunities |
Limited Submission: NSF Ideas Lab: Engineering Technologies to Advance Underwater Sciences (ETAUS) The aim of this Ideas Lab is to bring together experts from diverse scientific and engineering backgrounds to develop innovative engineering technologies and solutions that will enable real-time and reliable sensing, communications, localization, navigation, and mapping of aquatic environments. Deadline: September 19 - Preliminary proposal; March 1 - Full proposal
NIH Research to Action: Assessing and Addressing Community Exposures to Environmental Contaminants (RO1) This funding opportunity encourages applications using community-engaged research methods to investigate the potential health risks of environmental exposures of concern to the community and to implement an environmental public health action plan based on research findings. Deadlines: October 5
NASEM Gulf Research Program Early-Career Research Fellowship The Gulf Research Program's Early-Career Research Fellowship supports emerging scientific leaders as they take risks on research ideas not yet tested, pursue unique collaborations, and build a network of colleagues who share interest in improving offshore system safety and the well-being of coastal communities and ecosystems. Deadline: May 4
Opportunities for Students/Postdocs |
Make a Market Tech Challenge
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency launched a tech marketing challenge that encourages undergraduate and graduate students to develop one of the five identified EPA technologies to help transition to the marketplace. Please consider passing this information along to students with whom you believe would be interested. Apply here. Deadline: December 31
Rivers of Silk Road: How Water Shaped Societies and Empires in Central Asia (Leverhulme Trust Funded Project)
Professor Mark Macklin (University of Lincolon, UK) and Dr. Willem Toonen (Vrje Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands) seek the assistant of a postdoctoral researcher involved with hydrological modeling. Please consider passing this information along to any postdocs you believe would be interested. Interested applicants are encouraged to contact Mark Macklin or Willem Toonen. Deadline: September 1
© 2017 Purdue University, An equal access/equal opportunity university |