February 2019
From the Dean
Looking back and looking forward.
This year’s Purdue Ag Alumni Fish Fry was a very special
one, as we celebrated Purdue’s 150th anniversary by inviting four of
my predecessors to help us take a look back and a look forward at our college, the
agriculture industry, and the land grant mission. Former Deans Bob Thompson,
Vic Lechtenberg, Randy Woodson, and Jay Akridge and I had a great discussion,
moderated by agriculture broadcaster Max Armstrong. Our audience of about 1,500
enjoyed the recollections and the laughs, but one thing that came out loud and
clear is that our land grant mission will continue to be central to the College
of Agriculture and to Purdue University for the next 150 years. Teaching,
research and Extension in both a local and a global context require hard work, innovation,
and entrepreneurship, and they are as central to what we do now as they were many
years ago.
At the Fish Fry, we introduced a number of new ideas that
reflect that hard work and entrepreneurial spirit. One of the great successes of the day was the
new Boiler Tracks Ice Cream. The recipe
was developed in a Food Science Senior Design class and then was developed and
marketed by Craig and Christy Coon of Round Barn Creamery in Kewanna, Indiana. I have no doubt that you’ll see more of this
ice cream in the future!
A group of Agriculture students also introduced a
commemorative edition of The Purdue Agriculturalist,
a magazine that was written and produced by Purdue students from 1906 to 1969. Under
the guidance of Associate Dean Marcos Fernandez, Kevin Smith and Allan Goecker
worked with our students to produce current edition of the magazine featuring
great stories about the future for each of our departments, along with excerpts
from some of the previous issues of The Purdue
Agriculturalist highlighting many of our alumni. You can read a bit about
the history of The Purdue Agriculturalist
and the commemorative issue will be online soon.
Along Agriculture Avenue was a section called the “Purdue
Startup Farm” where individuals with startup companies developed at Purdue
could show off their products--from Professor Torbert’s Orange Corn through
Gryfyn, a digital agriculture company that develops advanced software for
predictive analytics.
Even one of the more traditional features of the Fish Fry, the
Certificate of Distinction Awards, honored individuals representing the
innovation, hard work, and entrepreneurship of the land grant mission: Ted and
Dana Huber, who launched Indiana’s first winery; Ken Huseman, who for many
years has represented Purdue as a volunteer on the Council on Agricultural Research,
Extension and Teaching; Donya Lester, who introduced many new programs and activities
during her tenure as the Executive Director of the Purdue Ag Alumni Association;
Jim Moseley, who not only runs his own farm but served two stints with the USDA
for a total of six years; Steve Shifley, who during a long career with the US
Forest Service Northern Research Station saw the potential of using computer
modeling to analyze forest trends; and Paul Singleton, who helped beginning
farmers get their start by making and servicing more than 500 loans over 35
Finally, I would be remiss if I did not mention the hard
work and innovation led by Danica Kirkpatrick, who played two roles at this
year’s Fish Fry. She guided her team to
pull off a very successful 150th anniversary celebration (the photo below my message shows the great job they did in making the anniversary front and center on the stage), and she addressed the
audience for the first time as the Executive Director of the Purdue Ag Alumni
Association, telling great stories of her background, her career and her
connections at Purdue.
All of these people have had an impact on Purdue
Agriculture and they have made a difference in the lives and livelihoods of
others. So while our programs have
changed over the last 150 years, we have built a solid foundation for continued
impact in the US and around the world, in the classroom, the laboratory and the
field, fulfilling the land grant mission in the 21st Century and
All the best,
Purdue Agriculture People |
Graduate Research
Spotlight: Shelby Gruss
The Graduate Research Spotlight highlights graduate students
and their work. The February spotlight is on Shelby Gruss, Agronomy. |
Behind the Research:
Anna Olek, Botany and Plant Pathology
Many people are involved in the remarkable range of
programs, services and facilities that undergird research in the College of
Agriculture. This feature profiles people whose work supports the six strategic
themes of Agricultural Research and Graduate Education. This month, meet a
manager whose work strengthens our commitment to “Utilizing molecular
approaches to expand the frontiers of agriculture and life sciences.” |
Purdue Ag Alumni
Association honors career contributors
Seven noted graduates and contributors associated with the
Purdue University College of Agriculture have received the Agricultural Alumni
Association’s highest honor – the Certificate of Distinction. This year’s
honorees are Ted and Dana Huber; Kenneth Huseman; Donya Lester; Jim Moseley;
Steve Shifley; and Paul Singleton |
Don’t forget to track Civil Rights and Diversity Training
The College of Agriculture is committed to policies and practices that assure that race, ethnicity and gender are not barriers to success. All Purdue Agriculture faculty and staff members are required to receive training in civil rights (the regulations), diversity awareness or sexual harassment each year. Rather than mandate a specific training, we ask that you attend any training that fits your needs and interests and enhances your knowledge and understanding of diversity, civil rights or sexual harassment. Please use our Qualtrics survey tool to report training activities. |
Deans reunite at 2019
Purdue Ag Fish Fry
Former deans Bob Thompson, Vic Lechtenberg, Randy Woodson
and Jay Akridge joined Dean Karen Plaut at the Purdue Ag Alumni Fish Fry on
Feb. 2 for a wide ranging discussion looking back over the last 30 years in the
College of Agriculture as well as looking forward toward the future of the
agriculture industry and the land grant mission. |
Awards and Recognitions |
Eileen Kladivko,
Agronomy, was named a No-Till Innovator in the research and education category
during the 27th annual National No-Tillage Conference in Indianapolis. More |
The Mentoring @Purdue (M@P) program received the 2019 National Land-Grant Diversity Team
Award at the National Land Grant Diversity Conference. M@P Team members:
Neil Knobloch, Levon Esters, Elizabeth Alexander, Brandon Allen, Zachary Brown,
Quintana Clark, Torrie Cropps, Ulyssa Hester, Yujie Huang, and Ryan Kornegay. |
Jackie Boudreaux, Animal Sciences, was named 2019 Outstanding New Professional by
the Purdue Academic Advising Association. |
Nelson Knobloch, Agricultural Economics, and Chaela Minor,
Agricultural and Biological Engineering, were selected as Student Advisory Team
members, and Morgan Lambrecht, Agricultural Economics, was chosen as an
Ambassador by Agriculture Future of America for 2019-2020. |
Purdue Agriculture in the News |
Faculty and staff
invited to register for Ending Global Hunger Colloquium
Thought leaders from around the world who deal with the
complex issues surrounding global food security will gather at the Ending
Global Hunger Colloquium on April 10-11 at Purdue. An Ideas Festival event,
the colloquium will explore the question: What if we were able to end world
hunger? |
Ideas Festival event
to focus on Food for thought: What IF food was digital?
“What IF food was digital?” will be at the center of a
discussion with Miles O’Brien, science correspondent for “PBS NewsHour,”
and Caleb Harper,
principal investigator and director of the Open Agriculture Initiative at the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology Media Lab, on Feb. 26. They will also
explore other issues in relation to how food and technology may intersect in
the future. The event is free and open to the public. |
Purdue researcher
part of effort to improve swine health
Kara Stewart, Animal Sciences, is part of a project that is looking
for ways to improve swine herd health and survivability to increase animal
well-being and pork producers' profits. The project is being led by the Iowa Pork
Industry Center at Iowa State University and also includes
scientists from Kansas State University. The National Pork Board and
the Foundation
for Food and Agriculture Research (FFAR) are providing
nearly $2 million for the five-year study. |
Orange corn launches
in US markets
“Orange corn,” a more nutritious, naturally selected variety
of corn is now available in the U.S. markets through Purdue-affiliated
startup NutraMaize LLC.
Torbert Rocheford, the Patterson Endowed Chair in Translational Genomics for
Crop Improvement in the Department of Agronomy,
used biofortification to naturally increase the amount of antioxidant
carotenoids in corn, making the corn more nutritious, and creating a deep
orange color. |
Purdue scientists
nail down important plant compound pathway
Plant molecular biochemist Natalia Dudareva and her colleagues
have described a complete second pathway used by plants to produce
phenylalanine, a compound important for all living organisms. |
Registration open for
inaugural Microbiome Symposium
Purdue is poised to become a leader in microbiome sciences
with the establishment of a new research network, Purdue Applied Microbiome
Sciences, or PAMS, and hopes to gain momentum in this area of research by
hosting the inaugural Microbiome Symposium on May 13-14. Online
registration for the symposium is now open. |
Farmer sentiment improves in January
producers were more optimistic about the agricultural economy in January, but
they remain concerned about farmland values, according to results from the
January PurdueUniversity/CME Group Ag Economy Barometer. |
Dates and Deadlines |
February 28-March 2: Indiana Small Farm Conference
March 11: Spring Break begins
March 21: College of Agriculture Staff Meeting
March 21: College of Agriculture Faculty Meeting
March 22: Distinguished Agriculture Alumni Awards Reception and Convocation
April 1-5: Purdue Ag Week
April 6-7: Purdue Spring Fest
May 10: Graduate Student Commencement Reception
May 11: Undergraduate Commencement Reception
University News |
Purdue names vice
provost for diversity and inclusion
John Gates, an administrator in the School of Engineering
and Applied Science at the University of Virginia, has been named as Purdue
University’s vice provost for diversity and inclusion.
Hero of the Hudson Capt. ‘Sully’ Sullenberger to speak at Purdue
Purdue alumnus Capt. “Sully” Sullenberger will speak Feb. 24 at Purdue University, 10 years after he became an international hero.Sullenberger will present “208 Seconds: A Lifetime of Lessons”
New digital
repository serves as one-stop portal for online teaching and learning resources
Purdue has launched the new Purdue Repository for online Teaching and
Learning (PoRTAL) digital repository to serve as the go-to
resource for anyone interested in online teaching and learning.
Purdue Memorial Union
Club renovations to begin this summer
Work will begin this summer to transform the Purdue Memorial
Union Club into a world-class hotel with a formal restaurant and bar and upgraded
event facilities nearby. The Board of Trustees on
Feb. 8 gave approval to plan, finance, construct and award a construction
contract for the planned renovation of the Purdue Memorial Union Club.
Report Hate and Bias
Purdue University is a community where diversity is valued and incidents of hate and bias are not tolerated. Students, faculty, staff, and campus visitors who feel that they have been the victim of a bias related incident (or who have witnessed a bias related incident) are encouraged to report it online at www.purdue.edu/report-hate or to contact the Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities at 765-494-1250. Your report can remain anonymous if you wish. Remember, if it is an emergency situation that requires immediate medical or emergency services attention, please call the Purdue University Police Department at 911 or 765-494-8221. |
Purdue Agriculture InFocus
Editor: Dinah L. McClure Email: dmcclure@purdue.edu | West Lafayette, IN 47907-2053 765-494-8392 | Purdue University is an equal opportunity employer.
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