Weekly Newsletter |
February 22, 2022
Dear colleagues -
This week, we're looking forward to two research presentation events - tomorrow's water community virtual gathering featuring Eileen Kladivko (AGRY), Laura Bowling (AGRY, ABE) and Venkatesh Merwade (CE, ABE), and Thursday's Chem Exposures presentations with new Health Sci affiliates Aaron Specht and Patrick Kerstein.
Also, less than a week to go until we welcome Dr. Alison Power for a panel discussion and keynote lecture on food security and global crop diversity. Registration is not required to attend. We hope to see you and your students there!
See below for more, including a UCOWR webinar happening tomorrow, a new publication from Yiwei Huang (HortLA), the upcoming ABE Graduate Industrial Research Symposium, and news highlights on Amanda Deering (FoodSci), precision ag, and autonomous harvesting technology.
As always, please reach out to us about new awards, publications, and events you would like shared.
Upcoming Events
Water Community Monthly Meeting

Wednesday February 23 | 4:00 PM | Zoom
Join the Water Challenges SRA for a "Research Roundup," featuring presentations from Eileen Kladivko (AGRY), Laura Bowling (AGRY, ABE) and Venkatesh Merwade (CE, ABE) and discussion on climate change and the impacts of agricultural drainage in the context of an IN General Assembly bill.
Click here for more info and to join. |
Chemical Exposures Research Presentations

Thursday February 24 | 12:30 - 1:30 PM | Zoom
Join the Chemical Exposure SRA for collaborative research presentations from new affiliates Aaron Specht (HSCI) and Patrick Kerstein (HSCI).
Click here to join the event. |
Panel Discussion: Feeding the Planet 2050
Monday, February 28 | 3:00 - 4:00 PM | MRGN 121
Join us February 28 for a panel discussion with Purdue experts on food security who will join guest lecturer Alison Power, Cornell University Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, to discuss the issue of food security and diverse influences on production of nutrition globally. Click here for more information, and click here to register for the livestream.
Alison Power: Global Crop Diversity in Farming Communities
Monday, February 28 | 6:00 PM | Honors Hall
In this keynote lecture sponsored by the Aronson Family Science and Society Lecture Series, the Honors College and C4E, Dr. Alison Power will discuss her team's work in Ethiopia that addresses relationships between farmers’ ecological knowledge and plant diversity as part of their social-environmental system. Click here to register for the livestream of the lecture. |
Featured Publication |
User Perception of Public Parks: A Pilot Study Integrating Spatial Social Media Data with Park Management in the City of Chicago Land
A new article from Yiwei Huang (HortLA) and grad student Zhixin Li explores the potential of integrating social media data in the form of user-generated content to the future of park management in the city of Chicago over the summer months of 2021. Access the article here.
Upcoming Webinars |
Webinar: Getting to the Heart of Science Communication
The Universities Council on Water Resources (UCOWR) is hosting a webinar on Wednesday February 23 at 1 PM ET featuring Dr. Faith Kearns, who will discuss a different way of approaching science communication with tools that including relating, listening, working with conflict, and understanding trauma. Click here for more info and to join. |
Webinar on Data Science and Environmental Topics
Oak Ridge Associated Universities is hosting a webinar on February 23, 2022, 1:00-2:30 p.m. ET. The purpose of the webinar is to promote more in-depth dialog on the current and future integration between data science and ecology; including remote sensing, geospatial approaches, environmental monitoring, and modeling and forecasting. To register, visit their website.
Featured News |
Harvest helper: Autonomous Vehicle Offloads Grain On the Go
From John T. Evans (ABE, ME), read about how autonomous systems improve harvesting processes - a concept currently being explored by a John Deere-funded Purdue team including Evans, Greg Shaver (ME), Daniel DeLaurentis (Aero/Astro), and affiliate Tony Vyn (AGRY). Read more. |
How food safety became professor’s driving passion
Affiliate Amanda Deering (Food Sci) is featured in this Purdue Ag article highlighting her career journey and passion for food safety and food science. Read the full article here. |
Data Science Tills the Fields
Affiliate Dennis Buckmaster (ABE) writes about how technology solutions and data science are currently making significant impacts in the field of precision agriculture. Read more here. |
Professional Development |
ABE Graduate Industrial Research Symposium
Purdue ABE's 2022 Annual Graduate Industrial Research Symposium will be held virtually on March 3rd, 2022, with categories including:
- Agricultural Technology and Processes
- Environmental Science, Protection and Policy
- Food Processes and Science
- Bioenergy and Biotechnology
Registration is open to all Purdue undergrads and grad students, so please pass this info along to your students if you think they may be interested.
Submissions close close February 25th. More info/submit here.
Center for Instructional Excellence Summer Course Design Institute
A 6-day intensive program for graduate students and post-docs to work with CIE staff on designing courses they will teach at Purdue West Lafayette. In-person meetings will take place weekdays, Wed., May 25 through Wed., June 1, 2022. Click here for more information. |
IL-IN Sea Grant Student & Faculty Scholars Program
The 2022 IISG Scholars competition is now open for Graduate Students and Faculty. Awards are issued for one year and activities should be completed during that year. The full Request for Applications, including award amounts and application requirements, can be found here. Deadline is March 18, 2022.
Funding Opportunities |
Limited Submission: DOE-SC Chemical & Materials Sciences to Advance Clean Energy Tech and Low-Carbon Manufacturing The DOE SC program in Basic Energy Sciences (BES) announces its interest in receiving new applications from single principal investigators (PIs) and from small teams to advance basic and fundamental chemical and materials sciences that underpin clean energy technologies and low-carbon manufacturing. Internal deadline: Preproposal due in InfoReady by March 7 Sponsor deadlines: March 16 – Pre-application; May 17 - Application
ISDA Specialty Crop Block Grant Program Indiana State Department of Agriculture (ISDA) is seeking project proposals from the specialty crop industry in the state to present for funding from the U.S Department of Agriculture (USDA). Proposals must enhance specialty crops throughout the state of Indiana. Deadline: March 8
DOE-EERE Carbon Utilization Technology: Improving Efficient Systems for Algae This FOA specifically seeks to increase the carbon utilization efficiency of algal growth systems. BETO is interested in the following topic areas: 1) Carbon Utilization Efficiency from Biomass- or Atmospheric-Based Sources of Carbon Dioxide, and 2) Algae-Based Technology to Utilize Anthropogenic CO2 from Utility and Industrial Sources. Deadlines: March 18 – Concept paper; May 27 - Application
NASA-ROSES Land-Cover/Land-Use Change The primary goal of the NASA Land-Cover/Land-Use Change (LCLUC) program is to use satellite observations for improving our understanding of LCLUC as an essential component of Earth System Science. The LCLUC program includes studies that detect and quantify changes in land cover and land use; examine their impact on the environment and interactions with climate and society; and model future scenarios of LCLUC impacts. Deadlines: April 14 – Step 1; July 14 – Step 2
USDA-NRCS 2022 Soil Science Collaborative Research Proposals The Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), is announcing the potential availability of funding for agreements for the purposes of:
- Promoting research collaboration between the NRCS Soil and Plant Science Division (SPSD) and university cooperators on significant national issues;
- Providing technology transfer and training for NRCS staff;
- Assisting in training of students in soil science and related fields.
Deadline: April 12
© 2017 Purdue University, An equal access/equal opportunity university |