Weekly Newsletter |
January 12, 2022
Dear colleagues-
We hope to see many of you online for our “Why Tweet?, A Faculty Conversation” next Tuesday. All faculty and trainees are welcome! Please also encourage your trainees to review the information about our spring 2022 travel grants.
We are also excited to see the focus on Environmental Justice for next week's MLK Diversity Awareness events, and to be able to hear from our own Ellen Wells (HSCI) and Jeff Dukes (FNR) on Wednesday and Thursday, respectively.
Read on for our featured publications and highlights on the work of Zhao Ma (FNR), Jonathan Bauchet (AgEcon), Tara Grillos (Poli Sci), Sa Liu (HSCI), Jonathan Shannahan (HSCI) and Andrew Whelton (Civil, EEE). We also want to give a big shout out to all the engineering faculty members recognized for their excellence in teaching.
Why Tweet? A Faculty Conversation
Tuesday, January 18 | 12-1 PM | Zoom
In this virtual event, Managing Director Lynne Dahmen will present ways in which faculty can streamline and enhance Twitter engagement. Then, faculty affiliates active on Twitter will lead a participatory discussion on ways they use the social media platform and constructive approaches to its use. Featuring:
- Linda Prokopy (Dept Head, HortLA)
- Ariana Torres (Ag Econ, HortLA)
- Dan Kelly (Philosophy)
All faculty and trainees are welcome to join. Click here for more information, along with the link to join the event.
Travel Grants |
In spring 2022, we will be awarding grants to defray costs up to $500 for student/post-doctoral researchers to travel and present their research. Conference travel should take place between January 1 and June 30th 2022. Trainees of all affiliates are eligible, preference given for Center-affiliated projects. For information and application info, click here. To learn how to affiliate your research projects with the Center, click here. |
MLK Diversity Awareness Week |
Sponsored by the College of Agriculture and College of Health & Human Sciences, these events will honor Dr. King’s teachings and legacy. Below is a brief schedule, click here for more info/full schedule.
Jan 17 - Day of Service Jan 18 - Environmental Justice Kick-off Keynote feat. Jacqueline Patterson Jan 19 - Environmental Justice and Public Health feat. Ellen Wells (HealthSci) Jan 20 - Climate Justice Issues in the Midwest feat. Jeff Dukes (FNR) Jan 21 - Community Partnerships working towards Environmental Justice
All events are from 12-1 PM. Register for events to receive Zoom links. |
Featured Publications |
Compliance under control: Insights from an incentive-based conservation program in rural Bolivia
Ecological Economics
Zhao Ma (FNR), Jonathan Bauchet (AgEcon), Tara Grillos (Poli Sci), Brooke McWherter (FNR), and others collaborated on a recent publication analyzing compliance in an incentive-based conservation program in Bolivia. Access the article here. |
A pilot study characterizing tetrachloroethylene exposure with exhaled breath in an impacted community
Environmental Pollution
Along with community partners, Sa Liu's (Health Sci) lab just published a pilot study addressing groundwater contamination by measuring PCE levels in exhaled breath. Access the full article here. |
Featured News |
Engineering Recognizes Outstanding Teachers
Congratulations to affiliates Andrew Whelton (CE, EEE), Mirian Velay Lizancos (CE), Ankita Raturi (ABE), Venkatesh Merwade (CE, ABE), Shreyas Sundaram (ECE), Lindsey Payne Haugen (EEE), Larry Nies (CE, EEE), John Howarter (MSE, EEE), Kingsly Ambrose (ABE) and Chip Blatchley (CE, EEE), who all were recognized by Purdue Engineering for receiving averages of 4.7 or higher on teaching evaluation surveys in fall 2021. |
Faculty Advise National Volunteer Fire Council on Sewer Pipe Repair Safety
Jonathan Shannahan (Health Sci) and Andrew Whelton (CE, EEE) were asked by the National Volunteer Fire Council to write an article for their website on the risks associated with sewer pipe repair emission exposures. Click here to read the article in its entirety.
DURI Accepting Summer Proposals |
Faculty are encouraged to submit project proposals for the Summer 2022 term of Discovery Park’s Undergraduate Research Internship (DURI) program. DURI supports faculty-led teams of undergraduates to investigate problems in three strategic areas, one of which is global sustainability.
Interested faculty can submit abstracts for individual projects at the DURI website, using their Purdue career account credentials to log on. The faculty deadline for proposal submissions is Feb. 18. |
Funding Opportunities |
NSF Partnerships for International Research and Education (PIRE) This PIRE competition invites visionary, ambitious, interdisciplinary, use-inspired research proposals that address scientific challenges related to climate change and/or clean energy. The projects will utilize multi-stakeholder and international partnerships that are essential to address these challenges of critical societal importance at a regional or global scale. The research areas may include any combination of the natural and physical sciences, engineering, and the social sciences. Educational activities should be integral to the project. Deadlines: February 8 – LOI; March 25 – Full proposal **If interested in submitting, please contact Lynne Dahmen**
EPA Research to Reduce Consumer Food Waste in the United States The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), as part of its Science to Achieve Results (STAR) program, is seeking applications proposing research to develop, apply, and test innovative and creative community-engaged approaches to reduce household food waste in the United States. Applicants should propose a research project that addresses at least one of the following research areas on how to reduce household food waste:
- Changing the U.S. food environment to discourage waste by consumers.
- Strengthening consumers’ motivation, opportunity, and ability to reduce food waste.
- Leveraging and applying research findings and technology to support consumers in food waste reduction.
Research should examine how the food waste reduction strategies or methods could be implemented effectively on community and larger scales. Deadline: February 9.
USDA-NIFA Crop Protection and Pest Management The purpose of the Crop Protection and Pest Management program is to address high priority issues related to pests and their management using IPM approaches at the state, regional and national levels. The CPPM program supports projects that will ensure food security and respond effectively to other major societal pest management challenges with comprehensive IPM approaches that are economically viable, ecologically prudent, and safe for human health. The CPPM program addresses IPM challenges for emerging issues and existing priority pest concerns that can be addressed more effectively with new and emerging technologies. Deadline: February 28
NSF/USDA-NIFA 2022 Signals in the Soil (SitS) The Signals in the Soil (SitS) program fosters collaboration among the two partner agencies and the researchers they support by combining resources and funding for the most innovative and high-impact projects that address their respective missions. To make transformative advances in our understanding of soils, multiple disciplines must converge to produce environmentally-benign novel sensing systems with multiple modalities that can adapt to different environments and collect and transmit data for a wide range of biological, chemical, and physical parameters. Deadline: April 14
© 2017 Purdue University, An equal access/equal opportunity university |