May 2024, Part 2
This issue of Purdue Agriculture InFocus is devoted to celebrating the 2023-2024 award winners within our college's departments and units.
Congratulations to all!
Faculty Dennis Buckmaster: Exceptional Event Award, Purdue Learning Communities Shawn Ehlers: Educational Aids Blue Ribbon Award, American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers William Field: Educational Aids Blue Ribbon Award, American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers Nadia Gkritza: Fellow, American Society of Civil Engineers Klein Ileleji: Finalist, NBA Foundation Pitch Competition Caitlin Proctor: International Water Association Microbial Ecology and Water Engineering Early Career Award Undergraduate Students Mia Wilhite: ABE Outstanding Freshman Tyler Kilmer: ABE Outstanding Sophomore Sarina Lee: ABE Outstanding Junior Noah Berning: ABE/CoA Outstanding Senior |
Faculty Kwamena Quagrainie: Fulbright Specialist, United States Department of State Meilin Ma, Carson Reeling, Megan Hughes, Shalamar Armstrong (Agronomy), Richard Roth (Agronomy): 2023 Outstanding Journal Paper Award, European Review of Agricultural Economics
Staff Tracy Buck: Agricultural Economics Department's Outstanding Service Award Kim Mullen: Agricultural Economics Department's Outstanding Service Award
Graduate Students
William Wells, Jenisis Moreland and Ariana Lazo (Agronomy): 2nd place, Business PItch Competition (Graduate Level), MANRRS38 National Conference Undergraduate Students Reagan Koester: Outstanding Freshman Nicholas Newman: Outstanding Sophomore Olivia Reynolds: Outstanding Junior Elizabeth Peila: Outstanding Transfer Student Abigail Meier: Outstanding Senior Purdue Student National Agri-Marketing Club (NAMA): First Place, NAMA Student Chapter Marketing Competition
Julia Bello-Bravo: ASEC Outstanding Early Career Award Natalie Carroll: $1M Grant Award (team), USDA
Neil Knobloch: NC AAAE Outstanding Teacher Award; ASEC Outstanding Graduate Mentor Award
Sarah LaRose: ASEC Outstanding Undergraduate Counselor Award
Linda Pfeiffer: ASEC Excellence in Teaching Innovation Award; $1M Grant Award (team), USDA_NIFA
Mark Russell: 2023 Vision Award, CILMAR; 2024 Unsung Diversity Hero Award B Allen Talbert: Indiana FFA Distinguished Service Award; ASEC Outstanding Undergraduate Teacher Award Hui-Hui Wang: NCAAAE Outstanding Researcher Award
Kevin Smith: ASEC Outstanding Teacher Award for Lecturers Amy Conrad: ASEC Outstanding Undergraduate Advising Award Leslie Fairchild: ASEC Outstanding Service to Students Award Graduate Students
Favour Ojike: 2024 Unsung Diversity Hero Award
Sarah Thies: Outstanding Master's Thesis Award Lauren Murfree: Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Award Oluwatosin Benjamin Fakunle: COA Pathmaker Award
Undergraduate Students
Camille Thopy: ASEC Outstanding Freshman Lucas Lyons: ASEC Outstanding Sophomore Ainsley Kratochvil: ASEC Outstanding Junior Kayla Bonert: ASEC Outstanding Senior Erin Anderson: ASEC/COA Outstanding Transfer Student
Faculty Eileen Kladivko: 2023 Soil Science Society of America Presidential Award Linda Lee: 2023 Soil Science Society of America Presidential Award Diane Wang: Jane Silverthorne Early Career Award, American Society of Plant Biologists Undergraduate Students
Kaia Wright: Outstanding Freshman
Jason Emsweller: Outstanding Sophomore Emily Harker: Outstanding Junior Claire King: Outstanding Senior; Golden Opportunity Scholar, ASA-CSSA-SSSA |
Faculty Kolapo Ajuwon: 2024 Animal Growth and Development Award, American Society of Animal Science Luis Brito: 2024 Early Career Achievement Award, American Society of Animal Science Candace Croney: 2023 Humane Award, American Veterinary Medical Association Marcos Fernandez: 2023 Murray Brown NACTA Leadership Award, North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture Greg Fraley: 2023 Mark Cook Pullet-izer for Excellence in Teaching, Midwest Poultry Consortium Darrin Karcher: Dr. Charles Beard Research Excellence Award, USPOULTRY; Maple Leaf Farms Duck Research Award, Poultry Science Association Elizabeth Karcher: 2023 Novus International Teaching Award, Poultry Science Association; APS Innovative Teaching Award, Association of Public and Land-Grant Universities Undergraduate Students Alexis Benson: ANSC Outstanding Freshman Kylie Bedel: ANSC Outstanding Sophomore Erica Long: ANSC Outstanding Junior Shayden Jones: ANSC Outstanding Senior |
Faculty Mark Hall: 2023 Book of Great Teachers
Undergraduate Students Alice Westerman Villwock: 2023 ASPB SURF Fellow
Elise Denger: Outstanding Freshman
Caroline Chandler: Outstanding Sophomore Shelby Sliger: Outstanding Junior; 2023 Goldwater Scholar Grace Estep: Outstanding Senior
Faculty M. Catherine Aime: Josef Adolf von Arx Award, Westerdjik Fungal Biodiversity Institute and Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences Janna Beckerman: Distinguished Service Award, North Central American Phytopathological Society Darcy Telenko: Excellence in Multistate Research Award for North-Central Region Research Alliance on Soybean Diseases (NCERA-137)
Graduate Awards Brenden Lane: D. Woods Thomas Award, International Programs in Agriculture
Undergraduate Awards Emmeline Seest: Outstanding Freshman Jonathan Lu: Outstanding Sophomore Morgan Murff: Outstanding Junior Keila Jellings: Outstanding Senior
Faculty Ian Kaplan: Teaching Award of Merit, North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture Krystal Hans: Distinguished Achievement Award in Teaching, Entomological Society of America, North Central Branch
Undergraduate Students Jacob Nielsen: Outstanding Freshman Levi Baker: Outstanding Sophomore Brianna Gast: Outstanding Junior Meghan Jerke: Outstanding Senior
Faculty Bruce Applegate: Outstanding Graduate Educator - Department of Food Science
Arun Bhunia: 25 Years of Service Carlos Corvalan: 20 Years of Service Amanda Deering: Exceptional Event or Experience Award - Purdue University Learning Communities Yaohua "Betty" Feng: Outstanding Undergraduate Counselor - College of Agriculture; Outstanding Undergraduate Counselor Award - Department of Food Science Bruce Hamaker: Harald Perten Prize, awarded by the International Association for Cereal Science and Technology Jozef Kokini: 10 Years of Service Stephen Lindemann: Fulbright Specialist, United States Department of State Lavanya Reddivari: Jack Long Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching Award Fernanda San Martin: 15 Years of Service
Staff Cory Brenner: 20 Years of Service Mike Caffee: Outstanding Service to Students Award - Department of Food Science Tari Gary: Outstanding Service to the Department - Department of Food Science Brenda Pickett: 15 Years of Service
Graduate Students Harrison Helmick: B.J. Liska Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award - Department of Food Science Anh Nghi Minh Le: 2023 Kirleis Graduate Student Award - Whistler Center for Carbohydrate Research Dongqi Liu: 2023 Kirleis Graduate Student Award - Whistler Center for Carbohydrate Research
Busayo Oluyem: Unsung Diversity Hero Award - College of Agriculture; MANRRS Region IV and V Cluster interview contest - 2nd Place Manoj Sawale: International Society of Beverage Technologists (ISBT) scholarship; Charles R. Stumbo paper competition presented by the Institute for Thermal Processing Specialists 2024 (IFTS) - 1st Place; 2023 Kirleis Graduate Student Award - Whistler Center for Carbohydrate Research
Undergraduate Students Talaya Thomas: MANRRS Region IV and V Cluster impromptu public speaking contest - Honorable Mention Manya Kadiwala: Outstanding Freshman
Natcha Ngaosuphanvongs: Outstanding Sophomore Ashley Mohammed: Outstanding Junior Alexandria Neikirk: Outstanding Senior
Faculty John Couture: University Scholar; AgSeed Grant Recipient Barny Dunning: William L. Hoover Exemplary Faculty Service Award Songlin Fei: Fellow Award, AAAS Hardwood Ecosystem Experiment: 2023 TEAM Award
Staff Carolyn Foley: Outstanding Administrative/Professional Staff Member Award Brian McGowan: Hoosier Wildlife Award, Indiana Chapter of the Wildlife Society Telaina Minnicus: Outstanding Clerical/Service Staff Member Award
Graduate Students Katy Dix: D. Woods Thomas Award, International Programs in Agriculture Jue Mo: Outstanding Graduate Student Service Award
Undergraduate Students Lydia Pultorak: Outstanding Freshman Rebeca Applemann: Outstanding Sophomore Alyssa Johnson: Outstanding Junior Alexandra Dudley: Outstanding Senior
Faculty Kathryn Orvis: Induction into Purdue Book of Great Teachers; PUCESA Career Award Mike Dana: Induction into Purdue Book of Great Teachers Steve Hallett: Induction into Purdue Book of Great Teachers Cale Bigelow: Induction into Purdue Book of Great Teachers; 2023 NACTA Educator Award Elizabeth Maynard: Outstanding Factsheet Award, American Society for Horticulture Science - Extension Division Stephen Meyers: Young Weed Scientist - Distinguished Achievement Award, North Central Weed Science Society; Outstanding Young Alumni Award, North Carolina State University Department of Horticultural Science Celina Gomez and Cary Mitchell: 2024 North Central Multistate Award, North Central Regional Association
Staff Ashley Adair: Seed for Success Acorn Award Jada Powlen: 2023 NACTA teaching awards Kyle Daniel: Teaching Award of Merit, North American Colleges & Teachers of Agriculture
Graduate Students Shivika Aggrawal: 1st place winner in the interview contest. MANRRS Regional (IV & V Cluster); 2nd place winner in the USAID - Student Research Seminar Series; 3rd place winner in the Graduate Business Pitch. MANRRS 38th Annual Training Conference & Research Expo; ESE-IGP Travel award and 2024 IASNR Conference Scholarship Award to attend International Association for Society and Natural Resources (IASNR) Conference
Jeanine Auxiliador Arana Cordonero: 3MT Purdue Graduate School Top 10 Finalist and People’s Choice Awardee; 2nd place for oral presentation at the 10th Annual Agricultural and Biological Engineering Graduate Industrial Research Symposium “Advancing Technology: From Models to Molecules, Machines and More”; PUCESA Student in Extension Award; First place in the North Central Weed Science Society (NCWSS) meeting competition in the horticulture poster section; Dr. Stephen Weller Travel Grant awardee at Purdue University; Weed Science Society of America (WSSA) Travel Enrichment Experience - US North Central Region awardee
Emmanuel Cooper: First place Midwest Cover Crops Council (MCCC) Student poster contest; Dr. Stephen Weller Graduate Endowment for weed science travel award; Third place – WSSA 64th annual conference student Single Slide Talk (SST) contest; First place – Corteva DELTA symposium graduate student poster contest; First place – NCWSS 78th Annual conference student oral contest; Outstanding Graduate MS Research Award – HLA department; First place – MS poster competition HLA Research and Design retreat; First place – poster contest at the Ecological Sciences and Engineering (ESE) Symposium
Wanting Zhang: INASLA Award of Excellence (Planning and Analysis); INASLA Merit Award (Design Works Category); ASLA Honor Award (Communication)
Dhuha Mohamed: 2nd place in the PhD poster competition, 2023 HLA Research and Design Retreat
Undergraduate Students National American Society of Landscape Architecture Competition, Student Communication Honor Award + Indiana Chapter ASLA Student Award (Excellence) "Children's Book and Learning Games on Indiana Native Plants and Habitats" Autumn McNinch, Chloe Kennedy, Molly Wimberg, Kayla Kramer, Wanting Zhang.
Indiana Chapter ASLA Student Collaboration Honor Award. "Carmel Chinese Garden Co- Envisioning." Autumn McNinch, Chloe Kennedy, Molly Wimberg, Kayla Kramer, Jeffery Tseng, and Wanting Zhang
Outstanding Undergraduates in Sustainable Food and Farming Systems Freshman: Ella Pegg Sophomore: Ren Rund Junior: Camille Kristinik Senior: Faith Hartman
Outstanding Undergraduates in Turf Management and Science Freshman: Abe Tebbe Sophomore: Otto Hoehl Junior: Brody Piel Senior: Jacob E. Tower
Outstanding Undergraduates in Landscape Architecture Freshman: Erika Grams Sophomore: Danielle Hewitt Junior: Serine Kao Senior: Yahan You
Outstanding Undergraduates in Horticulture Freshman: Cy Wolheter Sophomore: Isaac Damer Junior: Lauren Harmon Senior: Ian J. Kelly
2023-24 College of Agriculture Outstanding Student Nominees Freshman: Ella Pegg Sophomore: Danielle Hewitt Junior: Lauren Harmon Senior: Faith M. Hartman Transfer Student: Stephen C. Mills
2024-25 American Society of Landscape Achitects (ASLA) Academic Merit Awards: Benjamin Henschen, Gabriela Stephanie Nivar
2024-25 American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA) Academic Honor Awards: Rachael Herring, Yahan You
2024-25 Olmsted Scholar (Landscape Architecture): Rachael Herring
2024-25 Excellence in Design Awards Freshman: Gabriela Damiecka, Isabella Thompson Sophomore: Katie Wilson, Madison Pitts Junior: Grace Ackerman, Grace Wagner
American Society of Horticulture Science Awards Collegiate Scholars Award: Blake Belter, Gianna Buono, Lafayette, Aubrey Dague, Jennifer Flesher, Kaylee Guerrero, Lauren Harmon, Faith Hartman, Ian Kelly, Morgan Klein, Camille Kristinik, Stephen Mills, Matthew Smits Outstanding Undergraduate Student: Lauren Harmon
2023-24 Faculty Nominated HLA Awards Best Undergraduate Researcher: Ian Kelly Best Undergraduate Teaching Assistant: Noelle Dennis Best Departmental Service: Wil Grimm-Brown Best Promoter of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Initiatives: Faith Hartman Best Undergraduate Leadership: Brody Piel
Undergraduate Students Mia Schecter: Outstanding Freshman
Marley White: Outstanding Sophomore Abigail Seybert: Outstanding Junior Kendall Daniels: Outstanding Senior
Faculty Millionaire’s Club FY2022-23 Jacquelyn Boerman, Somali Chaterji, Songlin Fei, Mark Hall, Lori Hoagland, Luiz Fernando Brito, Tomas Höök, Jen-Yi Huang, Shihuan Kuang, Dharmendra Mishra, Linda Prokopy, Kurt Ristroph, Gerald Shively, Shweta Singh, Mitch Tuinstra, Ron Turco, Mohit Verma, Vikki Weake, and Gyeong Mee Yoon
Staff Brad Shelton, Feldun Purdue Ag Center: Cattleman of the Year, Lawrence County Cattlemen's Association |
Faculty Jacob Ricker-Gilbert, Agricultural Economics: Lowell S. Hardin Award for Excellence in International Agriculture
2024 Legendary Leaders Award Colleen Brady, Michael Dana, Barny Dunning, Steven Hallett, Elizabeth Karcher, and Mark Russell Graduate Students Mary Kathryn "Katy" Dix, Forestry and Natural Resources: D. Thomas Woods Scholarship Brenden Lane, Botany and Plant Pathology: D. Thomas Woods Scholarship
Undergraduate Students 23-24 International Agriculture Ambassadors Joshua Hardy, Sydney Hefty, Diana Ikanovic, Matteo Mereu, Andrew Murray, Andrew Parker, Arlene Polar, Ava Ralston, Allison Schimpf, Kylie Soniak, and McKenna Wilson
James Wolff, Molley Hasenour, Bryan Overstreet: Distinguished Service Award, 2023 NACAA AM/PIC Conference
Indiana Extension Educators Association (IEEA) Awards
Katie Whiteford, Clark County: Bob Amick Award Richard Beckort, Jackson County: Program Area Career Award - Agriculture and Natural Resources Mitch Wagoner, Knox County: Program Area Individual Award - 4-H Youth Development Max Fitzpatrick, Johnson County: Friend of Extension Award
Sheep & Goat Field Day: Program Area Team Award - Agriculture and Natural Resources - Robby Kelly, Elysia Rogers, Mark Kepler
Digital Ready Businesses: Program Area Team Award - Community Development - Roberto Gallardo, Emily Del Real, Cheyanna Geideman
Food as Medicine: Program Area Team Award - Community Wellness Coordinator - Erin Meyer, Ashlee Sudbury, Katelyn Kutemeier, Annie Eakin, Karina Moore, Maddie Underwood
New Times, New Methods…Delivering Education Through Social Media During a Pandemic and Beyond: Program Area Team Award - Health and Human Sciences - Pandora Taylor, Susan Peterson, Mandy Gray, Beth Switzer, Amanda Veenhuizen, Ashley Piland, Kevin Davis, Diana Stone
4-H Camp Counselors Gained Life Skills: Program Area Team Award - 4-H Youth Development - Joanne Lytton, Kelsey Holt, Lynn Korniak, Caren Crum, Josh Winrotte, Sara Badger, Kathryn Weiss, Samantha Williams, Megan Skiba, Molly Childers
Indiana 4-H Quality Livestock Care: CES Team Award - Courtney Stierwalt, Casey Mull, Colleen Brady, Marisa Erasmus, Stacy Zuelly, John Blanton, Jeff Pell, Mark Kepler, Julie Wilson, Abby Morgan, Rebecca Wilkins, Robby Kelly, Christie Jacob, Cora Reinbolt, Brian Howell, Kyle Weaver
Juntos 4-H: Diversity Award - Heather VonDielingen, Molly Marshall, Richard Beckort, Jennifer Haynes,; Rebecca Koetz, Rachael Smith, Lauren Fenneman, Sthele Greybar, Luis Santiago
Farmer-to-Farmer – Making Baking Flour out of Root Vegetables: International Award - Abigail Creigh, Molly Hoag
Purdue University Cooperative Extension Specialists Association (PUCESA) Awards
Parents Forever: PUCESA Ann Hancock Award Kelsie Muller, Chelsea Brewer, Jo Gilreath, Brooke Goble, Megan Jaspersen, Jamie Jo Lowder, Kristen Lowry, Olivia Morgan, Meagan Salomon, Dana Stanley, and Jennifer Stefancik
Farm Stress Team PUCESA Team Award Angela Sorg, Richard Beckort, Amanda Bullion, Shannon Chipman, Rachel Dillhof, Jonathan Ferris, Kelly Heckaman, Abby Heidenreich, Jane Horner, Mathias Ingle, Robert Kelly, Emily Kresca, Kurt Lanzone, Kelsey Meyers, Bryan Overstreet, Marcia Parcell, Gail Peitzmeier, Zoe Robinson, Elysia Rodgers, Brittney Schori, Tonya Short, Adam Tyler, and Elisa Worland
Purdue Agriculture InFocus
Editor: Megan Kuhn Email: mmkuhn@purdue.edu | West Lafayette, IN 47907-2053 765-494-8392 | Purdue University is an equal opportunity employer.
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