Weekly Newsletter

 March 31, 2022
Dear colleagues -

Thanks to all of you who joined last Friday's virtual discussion on environmental justice efforts in Indiana (recording available here). We enjoyed hearing from representatives from the EPA, IUPUI, Valparaiso and community organizations in NW Indiana.

Below, please find some important information on the next steps of our new Institute's ongoing ideation process. We encourage faculty to sign up for upcoming dialogue sessions as well as provide input via a short survey.

There will also be a meeting this Friday, April 1 at 11 am for any faculty interested in working on issues in the environmental justice space moving forward. See below for more information.

Check out new publications from Nexus projects led by Zhao Ma (FNR), Laura Zanotti (ANTH), Jonathan Bauchet (HTM) and others, along with featured news about Haley Oliver (FoodSci), Christian Butzke (Enology), Andrew Flachs (ANTH), Ankita Raturi (ABE), and EEE students led by Andrew Whelton (CE, EEE).
Next Steps on Institute Ideation
As part of our process for building the structure of our new institute on climate, the environment, food security and sustainability, we presented a starting blueprint at our town hall, which took place on Monday, March 21.
For the next step, we are working with folks from Michigan State University at the Toolbox Dialogue Initiative to run personalized dialogue and co-creation sessions in late April and early May to help us make decisions about the format and structure of the Institute so that it best reflects the interests and concerns of our members. The dialogue sessions (Tuesday April 26 and Wednesday April 27) will focus on eliciting ideas and feedback about the proposed institute structure and services (no Institute staff will participate in these sessions). The co-creation session (Wednesday May 4th) will be about reporting back on the results of the dialogue sessions and mapping existing and new faculty groups into communities and teams as well as identifying targets and opportunities moving ahead. 
Click here to sign up for one or more upcoming sessions.

In advance of these sessions, we want to provide all of those involved in research areas in climate change, food security, sustainability and the environment to provide input through this survey.  This survey should take no more than 8 minutes. A few summary slides about the potential new structure and services of the Center are available here.
Environmental Justice Meeting Friday
Since 2020, faculty in C4E have worked to advance interest in the environmental justice space through education, events, and advancing EJ within their own research.  We held our first EJ event in spring 2021, when several faculty affiliates worked with several groups on campus to host a virtual symposium on EJ that brought together faculty and community members from across the state, culminating with a public lecture by Carlton Waterhouse.  Our event last week, Working Together for Environmental Justice in the Midwest, continued our interest in promoting EJ as it has become increasingly part of requests for proposals, and so we are excited to continue to advance our work. 

To continue our interest and prepare for next steps,
 we are reaching out to any and all faculty who are interested in advancing our work, sharing research ideas and opportunities that arise for efforts in this space, and would like to contribute to reaching out to the larger Purdue community.

There will be a meeting this Friday, April 1 at 11 AM for any faculty interested in being a part of these efforts moving forward. Click here to join Friday's meeting.
Featured Publications
Centering Community Voices in Mining Governance
Society and Natural Resources

This new publication from a Nexus team, including affiliates Zhao Ma (FNR), Laura Zanotti (ANTH), Jonathan Bauchet (HTM) and others examines community perception and participation in mining governance in Peru. Access the article here.
Drivers of revitalization in Great Lakes coastal communities
Journal of Great Lakes Research

A team featuring Zhao Ma (FNR), led by post-doc Becca Nixon (FNR) and Stuart Carlton, Assistant Director IL-IN SeaGrant, analyzed and identified drivers of revitalization within areas of concern along the Great Lakes.  Access the full article here.
Featured News
Haley Oliver Awarded for Food Safety Efforts

Haley Oliver (FoodSci) was recently awarded the James M. Jay Diversity in Food Safety Award. This award recognizes those who have made significant contributions toward fostering diversity within food safety-related careers, activities or research. Congratulations, Dr. Oliver! 
Building back bigger or degrowing local food? US alternative food networks and post-corona agrarian economies

Affiliates Andrew Flachs (ANTH) and Ankita Raturi (ABE) collaborated on a recent Focaal blog post on SSRC funded research into local food systems during the COVID-19 pandemic. Read the full post here.
Purdue Online Winemaking Certificate Course Honors its First Graduate

Purdue's online Winemaking Certificate course, led by affiliate Christian Butzke (Enology), is celebrating its first ever graduate of the program: Physics student Nuo Chen. Read more about Butzke, Chen, and the course here.
Engineering the unknown: EEE students help communities restore water quality

In this piece, Purdue EEE highlights the work their students, led by faculty affiliate Andrew Whelton (CE, EEE), have been doing to test and restore water quality in sites affected by natural disasters like January's Marshall Fire in Colorado. Read the full piece here.
Workshops & Webinars
Mini-Workshop on CyberTraining for FAIR Science in Water and Climate
March 31 | 1-3 PM | Zoom

Affiliate Venkatesh Merwade (CE) is starting a 2-hr mini-workshop series for his NSF FAIR CyberTraining Project. Faculty, grad students and postdocs are welcome to attend to learn how to automate some key hydrology data access and analyses tasks using Python. Register here.
International Summit - From Research to Action: Responding to Plastic Pollution through Science
April 5 - 6, 2022 | Free and Open to All

This two-day summit hosted by the Global Council for Science and the Environment will focus on the discussion of current and future research in the space of plastic pollution. Click here to register.
NSF Virtual Events: Using the Rules of Life to Address Societal Challenges

Stewarding an Integrated Biodiversity-Climate System
11:00 AM to 5:00 PM on April 14

Achieving a Sustainable Future
11:00 AM to 5:00 PM on April 19, 2022

Harnessing Microbiomes for Societal Benefit
11:00 AM to 5:00 PM on April 21, 2022

Leveraging AI and Data for Predicting Mechanisms
11:00 AM to 5:00 PM on April 26, 2022

Click here for information on all the above events.
Funding Opportunities & Workshops
USDA Technical Assistance for Specialty Crops 
The Technical Assistance for Specialty Crops Program (TASC) is designed to assist U.S. organizations by providing funding for projects that seek to remove, resolve, or mitigate existing or potential sanitary, phytosanitary, or technical barriers that prohibit or threaten the export of U.S. specialty crops. The TASC program is administered by personnel of the Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) on behalf of the Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC). Deadline: May 20

NASA ROSES 2022: Earth Science Applications: Agriculture
The primary objective of the Agriculture applications area is to enable and advance the adoption of uses of Earth science information by domestic and international organizations to benefit agriculture and related food security challenges. This application area includes application development, user characterization and engagement, innovative communications work, and socioeconomic impact analyses as part of the activities. Deadline: June 17

NSF Geobiology and Low-Temperature Geochemistry  
The Geobiology and Low-Temperature Geochemistry Program supports research on geochemical processes in terrestrial Earth’s surface systems, as well as the interaction of geochemical and biological processes. Proposals may address field, laboratory, theoretical, or modeling studies of these processes and related mechanisms at all spatial and temporal scales. Deadline: On-going

DOE-EERE FY22 BETO Waste Feedstocks and Conversion R&D 
This FOA supports two priority areas in the Bioenergy Technologies Office (BETO) research and development (R&D) portfolio. The first of these priority areas addresses new strategies for energy and resource recovery from waste streams. The second priority area addressed by this FOA targets improved organisms and inorganic catalysts. Deadlines: April 18 – Concept paper; June 7 - Application

NSF Dynamics, Control and Systems Diagnostics (DCSD) 
The DCSD program promotes the fundamental science and engineering of dynamic systems to advance solutions to urgent societal problems. Such problems include mitigating the impacts of climate change; responding to epidemics, cyber-attacks, extreme weather, and other natural and man-made events; promoting efficient and equitable production and distribution of resources; developing resilient infrastructure; improving the experience of work and learning; and meeting the challenges of aging and illness. Deadline: On-going
Job Opportunities
Newly-Posted Positions

We are currently accepting applications for a Lead Administrator position. More about the position, along with a newly-posted opening for an undergraduate assistant with the Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant and the Coastal and Great Lakes Social Science Lab, can be found on the opportunities page of our website. Please pass this information along to anyone you think may be interested in applying.
Click here to visit our website
© 2017 Purdue University, An equal access/equal opportunity university