The Newsletter for Purdue Staff Members
APSAC, the Administrative and Professional Staff Advisory Committee at Purdue University
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The Sentinel • March 6, 2020

Chair’s Corner

Danny Vukobratovich
Hello and welcome to March. Spring is right around the corner. Purdue’s Mental Health Awareness Week recently concluded, but you can continue to support to mental health awareness. A variety of resources are available on campus, and here are some other ways to support mental health awareness.

Now that we are nearly at the midpoint of the spring semester, stress can mount and mount. We have the busyness of life as well as work. We also want to be able to help people. We have a certain amount of energy to be able to do things in each day, week and month. If you think of this energy sitting in your “energy cup,” you can’t keep pouring it out if your cup is empty — and you can’t help others if you aren’t taking care of yourself. In the TEDTalk “There is no shame in taking care of your mental health,” Sangu Delle talks about his experiences in dealing with stress and his own anxiety. He talks about the stigma of mental health where he is from in Africa. I encourage you to watch it. As we all cope with our own challenges, we should know that we are not alone. There is help out there if you reach out. If you or someone you know are considering anything dangerous, please visit here for more information. It may not be only your own life you save but someone else’s.

As warmer weather rolls in, we all need to recharge our batteries. We can do this by getting away from your desk at lunch, taking a walk, reading a book, listening to music, doing some exercise or any number of things that may help you refill your cup. Find what best fits you and take care of yourself.

As always, I would like to encourage you to learn who the APSAC representative is for your area. You can see our current membership here. APSAC members are available to hear about the needs of staff on campus. I encourage everyone to reach out to any APSAC representative with questions and concerns that you may have as well as compliments and ideas for improvement. APSAC wants to hear from you.

Danny Vukobratovich
Chair, Administrative & Professional Staff Advisory Committee

 APSAC news

 General news for Purdue staff

 Purdue brand resources

Color palette in the 2020 Purdue Brand Guide
“Does this apply to me?” If you are a Purdue faculty, staff or student and you create materials that represent the University, then yes, it does!

Every web page, publication, poster, banner and promotional item that represents Purdue University helps tell our story. That story and brand is stronger and more compelling when there is consistency in graphics, fonts, colors and messaging.

Learn more about the University brand, including the official color palette, fonts, graphical elements, photography guidelines and more, at Logos, PowerPoint templates and other downloads are also available.


The Sentinel is the official newsletter of the Administrative & Professional Staff Advisory Committee at Purdue University.
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