DAC Exhibitor Update | June 2023 |
DAC 2023 Housing |
Career Development Day @ DAC- NEW FOR 2023!Open to All DAC Registrants | NEW FOR 2023! DAC is offering Exhibitors the opportunity to discover talent and present job opportunities during a 1-day Career Development Day from 8:00 am – 6:00 pm on Tuesday, July 11th at Moscone Center in San Francisco, CA.
Participating Organizations: | | | | | | |
Employers will be provided with:
- 10’ x 8’ Connection Table booth that includes a 6’ table, 2 chairs, wastebasket, electrical service, Wi-Fi service, and ID Sign.
- Pre-conference access to resumes uploaded by early-career and student candidates during the conference registration process.
- Pre-conference posting of job opportunities (up to 10) for DAC candidate review.
- Morning coffee service and afternoon networking break in the Career Development Area on Level 3 of Moscone West.
Fee: Career Development Day Connection Table = $3,000 (Limited to one (1) table per exhibiting company – Connection Zone tables are limited)
Follow the link below to complete your Career Development Day application and contract: |
Plan your Press Meetings now!
For those of you who will be setting up press meetings during DAC, there are press interview rooms available in the Press Room, located inside the exhibit hall on the second level of Moscone West. There are three rooms available; two rooms to accommodate four people and one room to accommodate six people (ceiling for audio recording). Rooms are being scheduled for one-hour intervals (beginning at the top of each hour) on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday only. To schedule a room, please contact Jeff Price at Smith Bucklin – JPrice@smithbucklin.com.
When booking a meeting, you will need the following information:
- Company name
- Editor you are meeting
- Number of people
- Date/Time
- PR Contact with cell #
Please check in at the Press Room at your confirmed meeting time.
Press Room hours:
- Monday, July 10: 8:00 am - 6:00 pm
- Tuesday, July 11: 8:00 am - 6:00 pm
- Wednesday, July 12: 8:00 am - 6:00 pm
For your reference, click here to download the latest registered press list. There are still several of the industry press that have not registered for DAC – many editors register on-site. We will have an updated registered press list by Friday, June 30.
Exhibitor Marketing Toolkit Leverage the #60DAC Exhibitor Marketing Toolkit, equipped with social graphics and text for you to promote your exhibit space next month in San Francisco, CA. Review it today! |
Maximize your opportunities at DAC with Smithbucklin Lead Retrieval Service.
Eliminate manual entry, follow up faster, and win more deals using one of our following solutions:
- iPhone/Android App - Use your own smartphone or rent one from us.
- USB Mini-Reader for easy and quick scanning of badges. A lead report will be provided at the end of the conference with all badge scans.
- Bring your own device (Contact us for pricing and setup details)
Order https:\\events.smithbucklin.com\dac Order today to secure early-bird pricing! The early rate cutoff date is June 25th. For inquiries please email us at itevents@smithbucklin.com
Exhibitor Manual The DAC 2023 Exhibitor Manual is now available at this link.
Note: If you have not previously logged in to Freeman Online, you will need to set up a username and password.
The Exhibitor Manual is your resource for the successful implementation of your DAC Exhibits plan. Included are the rules and regulations, shipping and handling instructions, rental display options, labor services, and order forms for every service available to exhibitors during DAC 2023.
Target your best prospects and get your message to the DAC pre-registrant list! The DAC attendee list includes Conference and Exhibit-Only attendees who opt-in to receive communications and is only available to DAC exhibitors. This is the perfect opportunity to: - Preview what new products and services your exhibit will feature during the Conference.
- Invite attendees to a hospitality event or presentation during the week.
- Offer an incentive to visit your exhibit and learn more about your company.
- Follow-up after the Conference to make more connections.
DAC exhibitors are limited to two (2) promotional emails before the Conference and one (1) promotional email after the Conference, for a total of three (3) promotional emails each Conference. Note: Exhibitor html email promotions will be distributed by DAC Conference Management. Email distributions are available throughout the year. However, email distributions for individual company promotions during June - July must be scheduled in advance and are available on a first-come, first-served basis. |
DAC Housing Housing is now open for confirmed exhibitors through the official hotel booking site: Housing Site
Choose from a great selection of San Francisco properties, with the guaranteed lowest rates at all official hotels. Rooms always go quickly - book now!
- Requests for 9 or less rooms can book individual reservations here.
- Requests for 10 or more rooms must complete a Room Block Request.
IMPORTANT: No other hotel management company or travel agency is authorized to place reservations on behalf of DAC, so avoid housing scams and use only the official DAC online housing website.
Alert! CMR (Convention Management Resources) is the official hotel management company for SEMICON West & DAC Housing. No other hotel management company or travel agency is authorized to place reservations on behalf of SEMICON West & DAC. These companies have not entered agreements with the San Francisco hotels and are not able to guarantee rates and accommodations during the dates of the conference.
Should you be contacted by any other agency other than CMR, please contact SEMICON West & DAC Housing at +1 800-421-2499 (U.S. and Canada), +1 415-979-2287 (International).
The 60th DAC event logo signals your involvement in this global event. We encourage exhibitors to use the event logo to promote their participation in the conference. Use the logo on your website, in emails, print advertising and other promotional materials to promote your participation in the 60th DAC. |
Questions? Contact UsPlease contact us at 1.630.434.7779, or email Exhibits@2023DAC.com. |