May 2021, Part 1
From the Dean
This issue of Purdue Agriculture InFocus is devoted entirely to celebrating all our award winners in the College of Agriculture throughout the 2020-2021 academic year.
This issue features select national, international, university, and college awards. The second issue, which you’ll see soon, will contain all the awards from our units and departments.Congratulations to all of our award and recognition recipients at all levels, and thanks to all of those who supported our winners in the classroom, put together award nominations, or were involved in the recognition process in some way. We work hard to make sure everything is included in these issues, but if we missed any award winners, please let us know!This has been another highly unusual academic year, but my thanks go to all who have stepped up to make the best of this situation. Thanks very much for all you do to make Purdue Agriculture great. Have a great summer!
All the best,
Fellows and Select National/International Awards |
Mary Catherine Aime, Botany & Plant Pathology: Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science |
David Barbarash, Horticulture & Landscape Architecture: Excellence in Design Studio Teaching (Jr. Level), Council of Educators for Landscape Architecture |
Cale Bigelow, Horticulture & Landscape Architecture: Crop Science Teaching Award, Crop Science Society of America |
Jeffrey Dukes, Forestry & Natural Resources: Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science |
Esters, Agricultural Sciences Education and Communication: Fulbright Scholar Award; 2020-2021 ALP Fellow, Big 10 Academic Alliance |
Flaherty, Forestry and Natural Resources: National Institute for Food and Agriculture (NIFA) National Teaching Award; Student Chapter Advisor of the Year, The Wildlife Society |
Jane Frankenberger, Agricultural & Biological Engineering: Fellow, American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers |
Margaret Gitau, Agricultural & Biological Engineering: Fellow, Carnegie Diaspora Fellowship Program |
Orla Hart, Biochemistry: Education Fellow, American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology |
Eva Haviarova, Forestry & Natural Resources: 2021 Distinguished Educator Award, Society of Wood Science and Technology |
Klein Ileleji, Agricultural & Biological Engineering: 2020 Award of Excellence, African Network of the American Society of Agricultural & Biological Engineering |
Karen Plaut, Glenn W. Sample Dean of Agriculture: Fellow, American Dairy Science Association |
Douglas Richmond, Entomology: Excellence in Extension, American Society of Agronomy |
Mark Russell, Agricultural Sciences Education and Communication: Murray Brown Leadership Award, National American Colleges & Teachers of Agriculture |
Clifford Sadof, Entomology: Excellence in Extension, American Society of Horticultural Science |
Darrell Schulze, Agronomy: Fellow, Soil Science Society of America |
Ron Turco,
Agronomy: President-Elect, Soil Science Society of America |
Andrea Vacca,
Agricultural & Biological Engineering: Joseph Bramah Medal, Institution of Mechanical Engineers |
Hui-Hui Wang,
Agricultural Sciences Education and Communication: Distinguished Early Career Member, North Central American Association for Agricultural Education |
Rod Williams,
Forestry & Natural Resources: 2019-2020 ALP Fellow, Big 10 Academic Alliance |
Jin-Rong Xu,
Botany and Plant Pathology: Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science |
Danielle Marks, Animal Sciences: Graduate Student Teaching Award, National Colleges & Teachers of Agriculture |
Olivia West, Agricultural Economics: National MANRRS Business Pitch Contest Winner |
University Awards and Recognitions |
Brady Brewer, Agricultural Economics: Scholarship of Engagement Fellow |
Bo Beaulieu, Agricultural Economics: 2021 Faculty Engagement Fellow Award |
Christian Butzke, Food Science: Online Excellence in Course Design and Teaching Award |
Brian Dilkes, Biochemistry: University Faculty Scholar |
Esters, Agricultural Sciences Education and Communication: Jefferson Award |
Darrin Karcher, Animal Sciences: 2021 Faculty Engagement Scholar Award |
Sarag LaRose, Agricultural Sciences Education and Communication: Teaching for Tomorrow Fellow |
Jayson Lusk, Agricultural Economics: LuAnn Aday Award |
Maria Marshall, Agricultural Economics: 2020 Faculty Engagement Fellow Award |
Krishna Nemali, Horticulture & Landscape Architecture: Scholarship of Engagement Fellow |
Haley Oliver, Food Science: University Faculty Scholar |
Aaron Patton, Horticulture & Landscape Architecture: University Faculty Scholar |
Aaron Thompson, Horticulture & Landscape Architecture: 2020 Scholarship of Engagement Fellow |
Elizabeth Tran, Biochemistry: Purdue Cancer Research Award |
Josh, Widhalm, Horticulture & Landscape Architecture: Ralph W. and Grace M. Showalter Research Trust Award |
Kimber Nicoletti-Martinez, Agricultural Sciences Education and Communication: Jefferson Award
Andy Oppy, Agricultural Economics: Purdue Academic Advising Association Outstanding Advisor Award
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Jo Thomas, Agricultural Economics: Purdue Academic Advising Association Outstanding New Advisor Award
Kyle Albertson, Agricultural Economics: 2021 Tyler Trent Courage & Resilience Award |
Johnnie (Junior) Cheng, Animal Sciences: France A. Córdova
Leadership in Action Award |
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Kamryn Dehn, Forestry & Natural Resources: 2020 Tyler Trent Courage & Resilience Award |
College of Agriculture Awards and Recognitions |
Laura Bowling, Agronomy and Natural Resources & Environmental Science: David C. Pfendler Outstanding Counselor Award |
Dennis Buckmaster, Agricultural and Biological Engineering: Richard L. Kohls Outstanding Teacher Award |
Young-Hee Cho, Food Science: Outstanding Clinical Faculty Teacher Award |
Amanda Deering, Food Science: PUCESA Outstanding Early Career Extension Specialist Award |
Songlin Fei, Forestry & Natural Resources: 2020 Agricultural Research Award |
Corey Gerber, Entomology: Student Choice Spotlight
Educator |
Mark Hall, Biochemistry: PK-12 Emerging Faculty Award |
Bruce Hamaker, Food Science: Corinne Alexander Spirit of the Land-Grant Mission Award; Lowell S. Hardin Award for Excellence in International Agriculture |
Brady Hardiman, Forestry & Natural Resources: Richard L. Kohls Outstanding Early Career Teacher Award
Tomas Höök, Forestry & Natural Resources: 2021 Agricultural Research Award |
Linda Lee, Agronomy: Unsung Diversity Hero Award - Faculty |
Andrew Mesecar, Biochemistry: Outstanding Graduate Mentor and Teacher Award |
James Mintert, Agricultural Economics, PUCESA Career Award |
Bob Nielsen, Agronomy, 2020 Honorary Master Farmer, Indiana Prairie Farmer and Purdue College of Agriculture |
Joe Ogas, Biochemistry: PK-12 Emerging Faculty Award |
Stefan Paula, Biochemistry: PK-12 Emerging Faculty Award |
Mark Russell, Agricultural Sciences Education and Communication: Frederick L. Hovde Award of Excellence |
Josh, Widhalm, Horticulture & Landscape Architecture: Unsung Diversity Hero Award - Faculty |
to Associate
John J. Couture, Entomology Sadegh Dabiri, Agricultural & Biological Engineering Meng Deng, Agricultural & Biological Engineering Marisa A. Erasmus, Animal Sciences Jen-Yi Huang, Food Science Bhagyashree Katare, Agricultural Economics Stephen R. Lindemann, Food Science Mohsen Mohammadi, Agronomy Linda J. Pfeiffer, Agricultural Sciences Education & Communication Carson J. Reeling, Agricultural Economics Nathanael M. Thompson, Agricultural Economics Ariana P. Torres Bravo, Horticulture & Landscape Architecture Hui-Hui Wang, Agricultural Sciences Education & Communication Joshua R. Widhalm, Horticulture & Landscape Architecture Gyeongmee Yoon, Botany & Plant Pathology Mo Zhou, Forestry & Natural Resources
to Professor
Lori A. Hoagland, Horticulture & Landscape Architecture Jason T. Hoverman, Forestry & Natural Resources Michael V. Mickelbart, Botany & Plant Pathology Jacob E. Ricker-Gilbert, Agricultural Economics
To Clinical
Associate Professor
Wenjing Guan, Horticulture & Landscape Architecture
To Research Professor
Farzad Taheripour, Agricultural Economics |
Cory Brenner, Food Science:
Unsung Diversity Hero Award |
Jarred Brooke, Forestry and Natural Resources: PK-12
Excellence Staff Award |
Linda Curley, Extension: Corps of Engagement (Families Together) |
Carolyn Foley, Forestry & Natural Resources:
Unsung Diversity Hero Award |
Andy Oppy, Agricultural Economics: Outstanding
Club/Organization Advisor, Student Choice Award |
Laurie Van Keppel, Food Science: Service to
Students Award |
LeeAnn Williams, Agricultural Economics: Outstanding Servant Leadership, Student Choice Award |
Tipping Point Planner Team
Kristen Bellisario, Forestry and Natural Resources Jingqui Chen, Agricultural & Biological Engineering Bernie Engel, Agricultural & Biological Engineering Brian Miller, Forestry and Natural Resources Bryan Pijanowski, Forestry and Natural Resources Kara Salazar, Forestry and Natural Resources Lydia Utley, Forestry and Natural Resources Daniel Walker, Forestry and Natural Resources
Elizabeth "Lizz" Allmon, Forestry and Natural Resources: 2021 Purdue Agriculture Graduate Student Pathmaker
Award, PhD Level |
Madeline Montague, Forestry and Natural Resources: 2021 Purdue Agriculture Graduate Student
Pathmaker Award, MS Level |
Troy Tonner, Agricultural & Biological Engineering: 2021 Purdue
Agriculture Outstanding Teaching Assistant |
Food Science Graduate Student Association: Unsung Diversity Hero Team Award |
Outstanding Freshman: Claire Fisher, Animal
Sciences |
Outstanding Sophomore: Halee Fisher, Agricultural
Economics |
Outstanding Junior: Clayton Hicks, Biochemistry |
Outstanding Senior: Chaela Minor, Agricultural
& Biological Engineering |
Amanda N. Heltzel Ally E. Jacoby Julia P. Schmidt Emma R. Wade
Juniors: Kimaya Bakhle Jada N. Laycock Serae N. Neidigh Abigail Sipes |
Purdue Agriculture InFocus
Editor: Megan Kuhn Email: mmkuhn@purdue.edu | West Lafayette, IN 47907-2053 765-494-8392 | Purdue University is an equal opportunity employer.
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