FALL 2019 |
Now, more than ever, communicating about our international activities is necessary to create wider awareness of how the College of Agriculture is enhancing livelihoods around the world. The best way to ensure ongoing support for our international efforts is to create impact and communicate about it whenever and wherever possible. One of my primary responsibilities as Director of IPIA is to help promote the work of the College. So, please let me know what you are doing so that we can help publicize your impacts.
This newsletter begins with the sad news of our colleague Wally
Tyner’s unexpected and untimely passing. This news sets a somber tone, but
I’m certain Wally wouldn’t want it to distract us from the work at hand.
Wally was one of the hardest working people in the College, and his example
was always to treat events like this with dignity and respect, but to carry on, since there is so much important work to be
done. The best way we can honor Wally’s legacy, I believe, is to
redouble our efforts to do careful, honest, and meaningful work.
Below, you can read about some of the many international activities in the
College of Agriculture, among them several new projects, partnerships, and
initiatives including the USAID Feed the
Future Food Safety Innovation Lab (FSIL). This grant
is a huge win for us in the College of Agriculture, and IPIA will be working
with the FSIL team to ensure the project’s success. Those of you who have
worked on large proposals know how much effort goes into one of these, so the
next time you see Haley (which might be in an airport), make sure you
congratulate her and thank her for her efforts on behalf of us all.
As you read through this newsletter, you’ll quickly see that ours is a global
footprint, and our work remains as true as ever to the College’s land-grant
mission. In September, Dieudonne Baributsa and I will be participating in a
policy forum at the African Green Revolution Forum in Ghana. This builds on
last fall’s Scale Up conference and gives us an opportunity to share the
stage with the African Development Bank, Syngenta, the Alliance for a Green
Revolution in Africa, and USAID, among others. I look forward to sharing news about your
work and strengthening our partnerships to set the stage for new
opportunities. Through the fall, I will be visiting each department to learn
more about how IPIA can support your international efforts, whether those are
targeted at research, teaching, or extension. I am looking forward to these
visits. In the meantime, I wish you all a successful start to the
semester and safe travels.
Wally Tyner Memorial ServiceS |
Our esteemed colleague
Wally Tyner passed away on August 17 after a brief illness. During his 42-year
tenure at Purdue, Wally developed a global reputation for his research and
engagement. He conducted research on multiple continents and taught and
supervised numerous graduate students from all corners of the world. A memorial service will be held on Sunday, September 29 at 1PM in the
Purdue Memorial Union's East/West Faculty Lounges. Acknowledging Wally
Tyner’s tremendous impact on his beloved family, friends, and colleagues
worldwide, this service will be live-streamed for those unable to attend. The family has designated the Dr. Wallace Tyner Scholarship in
Agricultural Economics for memorial contributions. Please donate online or make checks payable to Purdue Foundation and mail to
Purdue Foundation, 403 W. Wood Street, West Lafayette, IN 47907. |
New for 2019-2020
Lowell Hardin Award for Excellence in International Agriculture |
this fall, IPIA will invite nominations for the inaugural award for Excellence in International
Agriculture, named in honor of our former colleague, Dr. Lowell Hardin.
This award, newly-established for the 2019-2020 academic year, is intended to
honor the legacy of Dr. Hardin, who died in 2015 at the age of 97.
Lowell contributed many years of service in support of international activities
in the Purdue University College of Agriculture. In the spirit of Dr. Hardin, the award will recognize significant contributions of College of
Agriculture faculty members to international activities. IPIA will announce details on nomination packets and deadlines later this fall. |
New for Fall 2019
The International Development Working Group
Join us on September 16th at Noon in WSLR 116 |
Two small groups of faculty have been meeting regularly – one as
a PICS working group and the other with post-harvest interests. This fall, we
will combine these groups and expand their scope to function as an international development working group.
We will meet informally in a brown bag format starting September 16 in the Whistler conference room and subsequently in the same location, on the 3rd Monday of each month for the Fall semester. Please join us. Our goal is to create a venue where
anyone in the college (or campus) can connect with others working on
international development topics, as a way of strengthening our community of scholars. |
IPIA is moving to the first floor of the AGAD Building in September. IPIA's main office will be room 104.
Purdue leading $10 million effort to address global food security. Food Safety Innovation Lab |
"We can have nutritious food, we can have enough of it, and we can get it to the populations that need it, but if it's not safe, we've lost our food security." Dr. Haley Oliver |
USAID reinvests in the Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Food Processing and Post-Harvest Handling |
In May 2019, USAID awarded Purdue an additional $3 million to extend the work
of the Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Food Processing and Post-Harvest
Handling (FPIL) for another three years.
The FPIL multidisciplinary team lead by Purdue
brings together eight global partners to reduce food
losses and enhance the value of foods in Kenya and Senegal. In this extension, the
FPIL team will focus on increasing the commercialization of food processing, resulting
in nutritional enhanced products available in the market. The secondary focus
will be to scale-up and train farmers on cost effective drying and storage
technologies and for staple crops in Kenya and Senegal. You can subscribe to
the FPIL’s newsletter to receive updates from the exciting work of the FPIL
here: http://eepurl.com/gBvQJX |
Horticulture Innovation Lab finishes publication of a Grower's Handbook for apricot farmers in Tajikistan. |
This summer, working as part of the Horticulture Innovation Lab
team, Purdue faculty led by Dr. Ariana Torres (Horticulture & Agricultural Economics)
finished a Grower’s Handbook for apricot farmers
in Tajikistan. The handbook is available for download and 1,000 printed copies will be distributed in Tajikistan. |
Paul Ebner leads project for Development and Commercialization of Antibiotic Alternatives for Pakistan Poultry Production |
Project partners discuss with Pakistani Co-PIs the laboratory protocols they will use to isolate bacteriophages against poultry pathogens. (l to r: Dr. Gulbeena Saleem, Dr. Paul Ebner, Dr. Zafar Hayat, Dr. Athar Mahmud) |
Dr. Paul Ebner (Animal Sciences) traveled to Pakistan in May to establish the
project industry advisory board, recruit students, and develop the
laboratory protocols all teams will use during the course of the project.
One postdoctoral fellow is set to start at Purdue this fall and two MS
students will begin in January. Dr. Hayat and Dr. Rehman, Pakistani co-PIs on
the project, will visit Purdue this fall for collaborative
training. |
Center of Excellence for Agriculture (COEA) aims to develop agriculture in Egypt |
The first Center of Excellence for Agriculture (COEA) was inaugurated at Cairo Univeristy in March. The COEA aims to develop the sector's needs and align all the sector parties to serve the market needs. This will be achieved by developing curriculum for academia, including researchers and students, and matching the applied research to serve the needs of the private sector. In August, Purdue's collaboration team of Paul Ebner, Leah Thompson and Kashchandra Raghothama participated in the first steering committee meeting for the COEA. The team will give strategic direction to the center and its activities.
Ebner, Thompson and Raghothama had spent the summer completing a comprehensive assessment of competencies the new agriculture university graduates will need to be competitive in the Egyptian labor market. |

International Conference on African Indigenous Vegetables
Hosted in Nairobi, Kenya |
Purdue supported the international conference African Indigenous
Vegetables: from Income Generation to Health and Nutrition, in Nairobi, Kenya, in July. Purdue's Steve Weller (Horticulture and Landscape Architecture) and Steve Yaninek (Entomology) were among scientists who presented their research on AIVs and addressed the future of
using indigenous plants to develop income-generating opportunities and improve
nutrition in communities in Kenya and other Sub-Saharan African countries.
Purdue collaborated with the University of California, Davis,
Rutgers University, AMPATH, Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research
Organization, UNESCO, Mirror of Hope, University of Zambia, Hantambo Women’s
Group and the World Vegetable Center on the USAID-sponsored Feed the Food
initiative. |
Genomic approaches in crop improvement
Sorghum and Millet Innovation Lab supported by USAID, recently funded “Genetic improvement of sorghum for resistance to fungal pathogens." The project is a collaboration of Purdue, Dr. Tesfaye Mengiste’s lab in the Department of Botany and Plant
Pathology, and national and regional research institutes in Ethiopia. A training workshop conducted August 5-9, 2019 at
Melkassa Agricultural Research Center in Ethiopia drew 35 researchers from the Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research and various local universities and
institutes. The workshop provided practical
training in DNA sequence data handling and analyses methods, molecular breeding
approaches, current popular genomics driven methodologies that can
support their crop improvement effort.
Up, Up and Away!
The sky's the limit with Study Abroad!! |
September 4 ~ 10:30 am-3:30 pm ~ Front Lawn, AGAD Please encourage students to learn about 2019-2020
agriculture study abroad opportunities and meet with past
participants and faculty leading the courses. The fair will feature
information on spring break, short- and long-term summer, winter break and semester options. |
a familiarization trip to Greece, Kara Hartman (IPIA), along with Ashley York (Animal Sciences), explored Perrotis College, a part of the American
Farm School, in Thessaloniki. Dr. Alan Matthew and York will lead a new spring break study abroad program to Greece in March 2020. |
Ambassadors |
Meet the
2019-2020 International Agriculture Ambassadors - Joshua
Calhoun, Patrisha
Hartley, Rafael
Sogomonian, Morgan
Winder, Camryn
Smith, Mallory
Swanson, Emily
Zimmer, Grace
Hasler, Ashley
Dittman, Sam
The Ambassadors assist with incoming international
exchange students, promote study abroad, assist with international
visitors, give presentations, and work to increase global awareness. |
College of Ag
Students |
IPIA welcomes 17 international exchange students from France, Germany, Brazil, Australia,
Ireland and Netherlands. |
Students share their Study Abroad experiences at the College of Agriculture Carnival
Faculty and staff members travel to Mexico to grow Indiana-Mexico relationship |
Amanda Dickson (IPIA), Christian Butzke (Food Science) and Liping Cai (HTM), joined Indiana Lt. Governor Suzanne Crouch in July as part of an Indiana trade and tourism delegation to Mexico. The delegates participated in a Friends of Indiana Reception and Business Networking Breakfast in addition to focusing on agricultural economic development and building tourism
Your Key to International Agriculture
September 19, 2019 at 12:00 PM EST
Join us as we explore NCBA CLUSA's Farmer-to-Farmer Coffee Systems program in El Salvador, Honduras, and Peru. If you have ever been inspired to volunteer helping under served farmers achieve economic empowerment, now is your opportunity. Volunteer assignments will cover a range of topics, from horticulture, coffee, cacao to cooperative development, financial planning, marketing and more.
National Association of County Agriculture Agents
Annual Meeting and Professional Improvement Conference |
The travelogue session will include updates on Purdue's current international extension projects and opportunities and highlight a county educator's international extension work. |
17 individuals from 16 different countries participate in Annual Short Course in Global Trade Analysis Project |
News from The Center for Global Trade Analysis (GTAP) The Center for Global Trade Analysis released version 10 of
the GTAP Data Base, the centerpiece of the Global Trade Analysis Project and held three important events over the summer:
- 2019 GTAP Advisory Board Meeting, June 17-18 at the University of
Warsaw, Poland. Attended by leading economists and
policy advisors representing government agencies, international institutions,
the private sector, and academia in Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, and North
- 22nd annual conference on global economic analysis, “Challenges to Global, Social, and
Economic Growth," June 19-21, also in Warsaw. Forty-three countries were represented this year.
- The 27th annual short course in Global Trade Analysis, August 3-8, at Purdue, drew 17 individuals from six countries, representing government
offices, international agencies, the private sector, and academia.
IPIA’s mission is to leverage knowledge, resources and people to achieve
positive global impacts. Learn more about IPIA and the services we offer to faculty and
staff, international visitors, and graduate students.
An Equal Access/Equal Opportunity University