Purdue Agriculture InFocus

May 2024, Part 1

This issue of Purdue Agriculture InFocus is devoted entirely to celebrating our award winners in the College of Agriculture throughout the 2023-2024 academic year.

This issue features select national, international, university, and college awards. 
The second issue, which you’ll see soon, will contain awards from our units and departments. 

Congratulations to our award and recognition recipients at all levels, and thanks to all of those who supported our winners in the classroom, put together award nominations, or were involved in the recognition process in some way. We work hard to make sure everything is included in these issues, but if we missed any award winners, please let us know!

Thanks very much for all you do to make Purdue Agriculture great. Have a great summer!

Fellows and Select National/International Awards

Laura Bowling
Laura Bowling
, Agronomy and Natural Resources & Environmental Science: 2023 Regional USDA/APLU Excellence in College and University Teaching Award for Food and Agricultural Sciences

Arun Bhunia
Arun Bhunia, Food Science: Fellow, International Association for Food Protection
Cale Bigelow
Cale Bigelow, Horticulture & Landscape Architecture: Fellow, American Society of Agronomy
Colleen Brady
Colleen Brady, Agricultural Sciences Education and Communication: Fellow, Equine Science Society

Natalia Dudareva
Natalia Dudareva, Biochemistry: Fellow, American Society of Plant Biologists
Gebisa Ejeta
Gebisa Ejeta, Agronomy: National Medal of Science
Songlin Fei
Songlin Fei, Forestry & Natural Resources: Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Sciences
Douglass Jacobs
Douglass Jacobs, Forestry & Natural Resources: U.S. Fulbright Scholar
Tesfaye Mengiste
Tesfaye Mengiste, Botany & Plant Pathology: Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Sciences
Dharmendra Saraswat
Dharmendra Saraswat, Agricultural & Biological Engineering: Fulbright Scholar
Andrea Vacca
Andrea Vacca, Agricultural & Biological Engineering: Fellow, American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Undergraduate Students
Jaclyn Bryant
Jaclyn Bryant, Animal Sciences: 2024 Future Leaders in Agriculture Program Participant, U.S. Department of Agriculture
Shelby Sliger
Shelby Sliger,
Biochemistry: 2024 Barry Goldwater Scholar
Purdue MANRRS Logo
Purdue MANRRS: Chapter of the Year, National MANRRS

University Awards and Recognitions

Gebisa Ejeta
Gebisa Ejeta, Agronomy: Order of the Griffin
Christian Butzke
Christian Butzke, Food Science: Senior University Fellow for Innovation and Entrepreneurship
John Couture
John Couture, Forestry & Natural Resources and Entomology: 2024 University Faculty Scholar
Kathryn Orvis
Kathryn Orvis, Horticulture & Landscape Architecture: 2024 Fellow, Purdue Teaching Academy
Kurt Ristroph
Kurt Ristroph, Agricultural & Biological Engineering: 2023 Showalter Early Career Award
Mohit Verma
Mohit Verma, Agricultural & Biological Engineering: 2024 University Faculty Scholar
Cankui Zhang
Cankui Zhang, Agronomy, Showalter Faculty Scholar
2023 Purdue Book of Great Teachers

Christine Wilson, Sr. Associate Dean of Academic Programs
Dennis Buckmaster, Agricultural & Biological Engineering
Laura Bowling, Agronomy
Mark Hall, Biochemistry
Christian Butzke, Food Science
Haley Oliver, Food Science
Elizabeth Flaherty, Forestry & Natural Resources
Cale Bigelow
Horticulture & Landscape Architecture
Michael Dana, Horticulture & Landscape Architecture
Steven HallettHorticulture & Landscape Architecture
Kathryn Orvis, Horticulture & Landscape Architecture

Barry Delks
Barry Delks, Animal Sciences: 2023 Special Boilermaker Award
Graduate Students
Jeana Arana
Jeanine Arana, Horticulture & Landscape Architecture: People's Choice Award, Purdue Graduate School's 3MT Competition
Undergraduate Students
Noah Berning
Noah Berning, Agricultural & Biological Engineering/Agricultural Economics: 2024 Cordova Leadership in Action Award
Faith Hartman
Faith Hartman, Horticulture & Landscape Architecture: 2024 Charles O. McGaughey Leadership Award
Morgan Murff
Morgan Murff, Botany & Plant Pathology: 2023 Butler Center Leadership in Action Award - Undergraduate
Olivia Reynolds
Olivia Reynolds, Agricultural Economics: 2024 Class of 1937 Scholarship
Spencer Wilson
Spencer Wilson, Horticulture & Landscape Architecture: 2024 Rising Boilermaker Award
Kayla Zalesny
Kayla Zalesny, Agricultural Economics: Spring Commencement Student Responder
Purdue Ag Week Task Force Logo
Purdue Ag Week Task Force: 2024 Student Organization of the Year Excellence Award 

College of Agriculture Awards and Recognitions

Janna Beckerman
Janna Beckerman, Botany & Plant Pathology: 2023 Eric G. Sharvelle Distinguished Extension Specialist Award
Dennis Buckmaster
Dennis Buckmaster, Agricultural & Biological Engineering: Outstanding Graduate Mentor and Teacher Award
Yaohua Betty Feng
Yaohua Feng, Food Science: Pfendler Outstanding Undergraduate Counselor Award
Brenna Ellison
Brenna Ellison, Agricultural Economics: Student Choice Award, Spotlight Educator
Abigail Engelberth
Abigail Engelberth, Agricultural & Biological Engineering: John T. Taylor Excellence in Teaching Innovation
Ken Foster
Ken Foster, Agricultural Economics: 2023 Frederick L. Hovde Award of Excellence
Tom Hertel
Tom Hertel, Agricultural Economics: Corinne Alexander Spirit of the Land-Grant Mission Award
Jason Hoverman
Jason Hoverman, Forestry & Natural Resources: 2024 Agricultural Research Award
Yiwei Huang
Yiwei Huang, Horticulture & Landscape Architecture: Richard L. Kohls Outstanding Early Career Teacher Award
Laura Ingwell
Laura Ingwell, Entomology: PUCESA Excellence in Extension Early-Career Award
Elizabeth Karcher
Elizabeth Karcher, Animal Sciences: Richard L. Kohls Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching Award
Eileen Kladivko
Eileen Kladivko, Agronomy: PUCESA Leadership Award
Kathryn Orvis
Kathryn Orvis, Horticulture & Landscape Architecture: PUCESA Career Award
Shams Rahmani
Shams Rahmani, Agronomy: Outstanding Teacher Award for Clinical Faculty & Continuing Lecturers
Jacob Ricker-Gilbert
Jacob Ricker-Gilbert, Agricultural Economics: 2024 Lowell S. Hardin Award for Excellence in International Agriculture
Mark Russell
Mark Russell, Agricultural Sciences Education and Communication: 2024 Unsung Diversity Hero - Faculty
Faculty Promotions
To Professor
Scott Briggs, Biochemistry
Shaun Casteel, Agronomy
Brenna Ellison, Agricultural Economics

Mark Hall, Biochemistry
Andrea Liceaga, Food Science
Dharmendra Saraswat, Agricultural & Biological Engineering
Steven Wu, Agricultural Economics

To Associate Professor
Somali Chaterji, Agricultural & Biological Engineering
Christian Cruz, Botany & Plant Pathology
Brock Harpur, Entomology
Sarah LaRose Agricultural Science, Education & Communication
Xing Liu, Biochemistry
Meilin Ma, 
Agricultural Economics
Stephen Meyers, Horticulture & Landscape Architecture
Christopher Oakley, Botany & Plant Pathology 

Staff Awards
Zachary Brown
Zachary Brown, Office of Multicultural Programs: Student Choice Award, Outstanding Club/Organization Advisor
Jeff Burbrink
Jeff Burbrink, Extension: Paul B. Crooks Outstanding Extension Educator Award
Amanda Dickson
Amanda Dickson, International Programs in Agriculture: 2024 Unsung Diversity Hero Award - Staff
Andrea Kane
Andrea Kane, Business Office and Extension: 2023 Purdue Extension Director's Award
Amanda Limiac
Amanda Limiac, Agricultural & Biological Engineering: Outstanding Service to Students Award
Andy Oppy
Andy Oppy, Agricultural Economics: Student Choice Award, Outstanding Servant Leadership
Jane Wiercioch
Jane Wiercioch, Agronomy: Outstanding Undergraduate Advising
College of Agriculture TEAM Award
Purdue Hardwood Ecosystem Experiment

Cathie Aime, John “Barny” Dunning, Songlin Fei, Elizabeth Flaherty, Jeff Holland, Mike Jenkins, Mike Saunders, Rob Swihart, Patrick Zollner and Charlotte Owings

Graduate Students
Maha Mohamed Us Abelhaseib
Maha Mohamed Us Abelhaseib, Animal Sciences: 2024 Graduate Student Excellence in Teaching Award
Jeana Arana
Jeanine Arana, Horticulture & Landscape Architecture: 2023 PUCESA Outstanding Student Award
Mariela Fernandez Campos
Mariela Fernandez Campos, Botany & Plant Pathology: 2024 Pathmaker Award (PhD)
Oluwatosin ‘Benjamin” Fakunle

Oluwatosin ‘Benjamin” Fakunle
Agricultural Sciences Education and Communication: 2024 Pathmaker Award (MS)

Leslie Aviles Lopez
Leslie Aviles Lopez, Entomology: 2024 Graduate Student Mentoring Award
Favour Ojike
Favour Ojike, Agricultural Sciences Education and Communication: 2024 Unsung Diversity Hero Award - Student
Busayo Oluyemi
Busayo Oluyemi, Food Science: 2024 Unsung Diversity Hero Award - Student
Rachel Zhang
Rachel Zhang, Agricultural Economics: 2024 Unsung Diversity Hero Award - Student
Undergraduate Students
Noah Berning Outstanding Senior: Noah Berning, Agricultural & Biological Engineering
Erin Anderson Outstanding Transfer Student: Erin Anderson, Agricultural Sciences Education and Communication
Alyssa Johnson Outstanding Junior: Alyssa Johnson, Forestry & Natural Resources
Nicholas Neuman Outstanding Sophomore: Nicholas Neuman, Agricultural Economics
Reagan Koester Outstanding Freshman: Reagan Koester, Agricultural Economics